Question For Wilder


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I posted the topic subject swollen mouth, where my krib and rummy nose tetra were effected and the kribs mouth fell part way off. After finishing mroe than one full treatment of maracyn 2. if u lok at the pictures the rummy nose tetra looks exacytly the same. The krib however looks way better, despite that part of his mouth hanging off the swollen part is gone. he looks much better. I think that probly the mouth will never fully heal...i am just glad he survived. keeping life with a deformity is better than death. now the urmmy nose tetra still looks the same....should i try maracyn 1, to get rid of that part or tetracycline. I read the manual that i got wtih maracyn 2 and it says maracyn 1 is to be used to treat columnaris.....any advice would be appreciated
I know very little about diseases but if you have a question for a specific member, it's better to PM them than to post it. She is very knowledgeable about diseases but definitely not the only one who can help. She probably does post more in this section than about anyone else though. Good luck.
Got a bad rotting bacteria desease, issolate the fish and go in with tetracycline.
Also I would add the maracyn to the main tank.
Good luck.
This is the second time a topic has been for a specific member. If you want a answer from a member than PM them.
I know very little about diseases but if you have a question for a specific member, it's better to PM them than to post it. She is very knowledgeable about diseases but definitely not the only one who can help. She probably does post more in this section than about anyone else though. Good luck.

This is the second time a topic has been for a specific member. If you want a answer from a member than PM them.

I put this question up so anyone could respond to me. Since it was a contiunation of my last three page post, adn the only person who responded to my post was wilder, I wanted to make sure she saw this post. Please do not worry.

Wilder: I don't have an isolation tank so if i am to treat the main tank with one thing what do u suggest? Anyone can answer this question its just directed at wilder because she answered all my other questions.
Adding it to the thread may help others in the future, which is what a forum is all about. A PM on the other hand wouldnt so imo Thread was the best option.
I think mardel have a brand of tetracycline and it not meant to wipe the bacteria colony out in your filter, but how true this is I don't know.
Maracyn one and two.
You can swab the mouth as well get you some info.
Don't come on the board till late at night so I'm not around in the day.
I decided since i went through a treatment of maracyn 2 and it improved the kribs mouth so much and not the rummy nose at all, i would stop that and onto tetracyclene like you suggested. upon arriving at my lfs there was no tetracycline. My eyes went to the maracyn 1. I then noticed in liquid form there wqas a new prodcut calad maracyn plus for mouth fungus. its antibacteria. i also purchaces some aquarium salt. do you have experience with this product. it was new at the store and they didnt know how to price it so they asked what i figured would be reasonable and i said 8 bucks. they said alright YES!
Heard of maracyn plus and it meant to be good.
Can't tell you how good as you can't buy maracyn in the uk.
Can you add maracyn two with it does it say.
Sounds great but how good I don't no.
Good luck.
Maracyn Plus Antibacterial Bio-Spheres contains two powerful broad spectrum antibiotics that are effective against a wide range of bacterial diseases. The microscopic biospheres attach directly to the fish, therefore actually treating the fish, not the water, and delivering the medication where it is needed. It also prevents re-infection during treatment. Maracyn Plus treats Mouth Fungus, Popeye, Dropsy, and Ulcers in freshwater or saltwater aquariums.
Active Ingredients: Sulfadimidine and Trimethoprim.
Instructions: Use 2 teaspoons of the solution for each 10 gallons of marine or freshwater.
Size: 8 oz.
i think i will add some aquarium salt too...good or bad idea?

edit: I also wanted to know if you thinki should continue the maracyn 2 treatments with the maracyn plus. I have enough to keep the treatome nt going for a few days but not another five day cycle. I just did a 25 per cent water change and am letting the charcoal run through for a few hours before starting on the salt and the maracyn plus. Does this sound reasonable?
Sounds fine.
Check you can add salt with kribs not sure.
Good luck.

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