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  1. H

    Some Shots Of Marsden Beach

    Not been there since I was a kid used to love going there, remember when it was hugh, then they had to knock a chunk away as it was not safe, canny place that, also used to spend a lot of time on South Shields beach.
  2. H

    Old Bogwood

    Sounds good to me :-)
  3. H

    Old Bogwood

    Does bogwood overtime cause problems in your tank I have had some pieces for at least 10+ years but my tank just seems to have lost it's magic recently I've started suffering from Cyno ......................................again and the bogwood seems to get it badly, any advice welcomed.
  4. H

    How Many Tanks Do You Have?

    I have two, a Trigon 190 with four discus in, and a 150ltr cube tank marine reef tank.
  5. H

    Freshwater Refugium?

    Here's my freshwater tank planting not the prob messy discus maybe
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    Freshwater Refugium?

    Sounds like it could be a little experiment, if i get time over the weekend im may set something up.
  7. H

    Freshwater Refugium?

    Hi All I have kept tropical fish for about 20 years now and recently set up a marine reef tank, one little device on my marine tank is a fuge (an extention of the main tank running caulerpa (type of seaweed good for absorbing nitrates) does anyone run similar for there freshwater trops?, my...
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  9. H

    Tattoo Thread

    Here's mine 8.5hrs worth :rolleyes:
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  11. H

    Light Upgrade

    Bit small for a Tang????.
  12. H


    Cheers I'll check tonight and see if any have attached, will be adding a bit more live rock also, I also have a 10% water change ready also just in case i upset the balance.
  13. H


    Hi All im really not happy with my layout and want to re-scape my tank I have about 6 or so corals now and some are looking settled but i really want to change it, is this ok it will benifit them in the long run any advice welcomed should I, or should I just leave alone, they are mainly softies...
  14. H

    200 Gallon Cube Tank Build Log

    Ding Dong a real stunner love the tank and love the aquascape can't wait to see more pictures of this one. :good:
  15. H


    Hi All I would like to add a better actinic to my system, at the weekend I added a blue moon actinic tube (interpet pc tube) but this does not give that wow glow that 03 actnics give out please tell me I can get a standard actinic tube to fit across my tank (50cm) and links if sponsers please.
  16. H


    Cheers i have 2*36w T5's 1 actinic 1 daylight plus tube a 150 MH so lighting it shouldn't be a prob I water change 10% a week all the usual parameters are good ph ammonia nitrite nitrate not tested for calcium as no test kit, hopefully it will settle in ok.
  17. H


    Hope i've spelt it right for starters, I have been given a frag of euphillya any advice on this coral welcomed please.
  18. H

    Nano'ish Tank In Progress

    Nice, saving for my other arm at some point
  19. H

    Nano'ish Tank In Progress

    Thanks 8hrs ...worth.
  20. H

    Nano'ish Tank In Progress

    tank i got a deal from my lfs £200 but to add all the rest up, i wont otherwise i wouldn't decide to go marines again.
  21. H

    Nano'ish Tank In Progress

    Little update
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  24. H

    My First Planted Discus Tank

    Very nice tank and great discus
  25. H

    My Discus Tank

    Can you tell me how you went about upgrading to the Ibar if you don't mind?? I have heard it can be hard to change the trigon lights as the lid can melt/break if you go higher than they give you as standard. I took my wife to the LFS to see the trigon tank today. She needs convincing still...
  26. H

    My Discus Tank

    The discus look great in there although 4 is the max, I upgraded my lighting to an Ibar so now run T5's I use the original filter plus a fluval 4 internal to help as the juwel filters are a little underated and discus tend to be messy, I have recently stripped it down (major outbreak of algae)...
  27. H

    Discus - Why So Many Conflicting Bits Of Advice?

    I keep four in my Trigon 190, tank mates 3 rummynose tetras and 4 corys had them for about a year, I change 25ltrs of RO water a week, there are a lot of people who keep there discus with normal water just treated for chlorine, if there tank bred they tend to be a bit hardier, as long as your...
  28. H

    Discus Tank Size

    Sounds good advice, always go for the deeper size rather than standard tank sizes, cardinals make good tank mates and get corrys to help keep the bottom clean of un-eaten food (but get the species that tolerate the warmer water).
  29. H

    Can We Have An Aquascape Contest?

    Cheers like a said on my other piccy had a bad algae outbreak in the end had to start again, tank re-scaped and re-planted it now needs a trimp and maybe a bit of a shuffle round
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  31. H

    My Discus Tank

    Hi it's a Trigon 190 I have 4 corys (get the species that prefer the warmer water) and 3 rummynose tetras, and thats it.
  32. H

    My Discus Tank

    Hi All this was my discus tank before my cyno prob :-(
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  34. H

    Chance To Upgrade My Lights?, Should I ?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All, I have the chance to purchase 2 halide lights. From the guy selling them "Lights are 295mm long x 280mm wide. There are pre drilled holes on the Top of them for hanging from the ceiling on wire hooks. They...
  35. H

    Nano'ish Tank In Progress

    Rock had been in 4 days, got some Xenia on it and have discovered some more coral (sorry don't know what type yet) towards the back, also some critter that was squirting out white fluid?, again will attempt more piccys later, rock was from my LFS i wont post a name if ya really want to know I...
  36. H

    Peppermint Shrimp And Aiptasia

    Cheers for that, im a newbie getting back into marines and my new live rock came with aiptasia zapped a few with JJ, will prob get a peppermint shrimp .
  37. H

    Nano'ish Tank In Progress

    Been zapping with Joes Juice, nearly all gone, test kit came today. water params are as follows ph 8.2 to 8.4 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrate 0 to 0.25 scale I know the live rock was in excellent condition but its only been in the tank 4 days at this rate clean up crew in by next weekend :-).
  38. H


    My tank has been running about a year and a bit, had the discus the same I do a 25ltr a week water change with RO water my discus have doubled in size I would say, I have had eggs about 3 times but they eat after about a day this is common for young adults, maybe one day:-).