

Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
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Hi All im really not happy with my layout and want to re-scape my tank I have about 6 or so corals now and some are looking settled but i really want to change it, is this ok it will benifit them in the long run any advice welcomed should I, or should I just leave alone, they are mainly softies so im sure they'll sunk but brighten up after a few days.
Tbh you can do, ive done it like 5 times no joke! Be wary as it can cause a small cycle in the tank but i never found this. Plus make sure the softies havent attached themselves to other rocks for support like mine have as its very hard to take them off :good: . But yer should be ok and make sure you place them in the same kinda places eg low flow and high flow places.

Good luck!
Tbh you can do, ive done it like 5 times no joke! Be wary as it can cause a small cycle in the tank but i never found this. Plus make sure the softies havent attached themselves to other rocks for support like mine have as its very hard to take them off :good: . But yer should be ok and make sure you place them in the same kinda places eg low flow and high flow places.

Good luck!

Cheers I'll check tonight and see if any have attached, will be adding a bit more live rock also, I also have a 10% water change ready also just in case i upset the balance.

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