How Many Tanks Do You Have?

I have two, a Trigon 190 with four discus in, and a 150ltr cube tank marine reef tank.
3 tropical
Juwel rekord 60L community tank
21L and 28L betta tanks
I have 5! Only 3 setup though :D

I have a 20gal coldwater tank, a little wee 7gal tropical that I'm just cycling (deciding what to stock with, dwarf puffers are starting to win me over!) and my newest addition is a Rio 180 47gal! Currently setting it up for tropical. Probably stock it with pentazona barbs and some other barb species. Maybe a 4 leopard danios that I need to re-home also (depending on compatibility).
4 set up but a few lying around incase of fry
15 gal community, 3 gal betta, 2.5 gal betta, 2.5 gal preg guppy
6 at the latest count, though one of those will probably be dismantled fairly soon- sick fish now recovered and ready to go back home to my friend.
I have 3 fish and one trutle tank setup
A 4ft custom as a comunity tank
A 3ft setup as an oscar tank which is soon growing to a 4ft tank for them
A hexigon tank setup with guppies and fry in it

Turtle tank is custom with 2 murray short necks in it
I have 3 :good:

A 300 Litre tropical community, a 96 Litre Betta community and a 60 Litre shrimp tank.

Looking at getting a smaller 4th to use as a quarantine/fry tank, just need the space to put it :unsure:
far too many threads about this topic, I wish people would use the search button first. :/
oh well as I'm here moaning anyways...
I have 5 with fish and 2 with mice
4 only 3 setup.
27.5 gal malawi tank breakin it down to a planted community though.
180 litre marine.
5gal betta.
3ft em[ty selling.
hubs said i could only have one tank.. so i made sure it was a big 'un! hehe 500 litre/110 UK gallons

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