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  1. richchappy

    Bronze Cory Question...

    have you got a air pump for the tank, as the water could be low in oxygen levels, or it could just be them getting settled
  2. richchappy


    I go fishing, and i enjoy it, but i do not go to cause undue harm to the fish, Mainly i go carp fishing, and we never kill the fish, the upmost care is taken to look after them and return them unharmed. visit my website that has got some vids i made and all...
  3. richchappy

    Ill Female Guppy

    no ideas, some kind of internal fungus or somthing, or maby somthing went wrong with pregnancy
  4. richchappy


    Ye should be fine, at breeding the angels get agressive so best to provide some space for the guppys to hide etc
  5. richchappy

    Broke My Livebearer Cherry! (lots Of Pics)

    wowzers, stunning guppys and love endlers aswell im tempted to go to some fish auctions but i would be scared how much i would spend...
  6. richchappy

    How Long Do Corries Live?

    would be great to have a cory live that kind of time, i have still got some from when i started fishkeeping about 4 years ago, and their still chucking out eggs lol
  7. richchappy

    Platies And Breeding

    yep, would deffinatly avoid mixing the goldfish with them... at higher temps goldfish are more likely to get disiese etc, so its not good for them... also they will get a lot bigger than the sword tails so could turnout very badly
  8. richchappy

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    lovely tank, really nice
  9. richchappy

    3rd Time Lucky

    looks great, lovely and natural :good:
  10. richchappy

    My 6ft Galaxy Tank

    any chance of some close ups of the fish :good:
  11. richchappy

    My 2ft Tanks, Re Done Both

    have you got a link for the dividers on ebay Great looking tanks
  12. richchappy

    Tiger Barb

    took me a few seconds to work out the reflected picture, lol nice piccys :hyper:
  13. richchappy

    My 6ft Galaxy Tank

    OMG OMG OMG i want one... what a tank,... tbh you could single handedly stop any extinction problems with that many lol hopefully you will get some breeding yourself... must have a few males and females :rolleyes:
  14. richchappy

    I Just Quadrupled My Tank Size!

    WOW what a transformation :good: :good: :good:
  15. richchappy

    Woke Upto Around 500 Eggs From My Albino's Pics Of Hatched Fry

    wow, thats one big batch, all from the same female or have you got a couple in their
  16. richchappy

    Is Posting Fish Good Or Bad?

    Sent plenty of fish and recieved a few, and they have all been fine, i always double bag fish and pad them with shredded paper, heatpack and all well sealed in a box and jobs a goodun' you soon get used to doing it and get used to the procedures etc and it becomes easy...
  17. richchappy

    Woahh! Cool

    sorry, it would be 400 quid for the 4 tank one, looks good,
  18. richchappy

    Woahh! Cool

    I can source these, and im not sure if they would sell... a bit of info on them... you can get them in 2, 3 or 4 tanks connected 2 tank, 9 gallon - would sell at £150 3 tank, 13 gallon sell at£230 4 tank 18 gallon sell at £500 32cm high tanks.... what do you guys think
  19. richchappy

    Filtering And Heating For Multipul Tanks

    its being set up in the spare room downstairs, and yes, its pretty much going to be a breeding set up, corys, and live bearers mainly, so i think thats probably the best option, air driven filters and individual heaters in each, if you guys have got any pics of how you have done it, it would...
  20. richchappy

    Filtering And Heating For Multipul Tanks

    Right, what i need to do, is im setting up 6 (maby more) 36liter tanks on shelving, and i was wondering what was the best way to heat and filter them, am i correct in assuming an air powered filteration system would be best, with sponge filters in each, and will it need to be a seperate heater...
  21. richchappy

    Tropical To Marine

    so could i use the filter i already have i use for the FW or would i need a new one, or just different media, this sounds like a good option to start FO and then gradually add LR, what kind of substrate would be best in a FO
  22. richchappy

    Tropical To Marine

    well not really planned it yet but want to price it up and see if i can afford it, it will take a while to save up but deffinatly want to give it a go if i can afford, With FO, is it just a plane tank, can you have any corals or LR in there
  23. richchappy

    Tropical To Marine

    80cms could you give me a rough idea of price etc or what size filters power heads i will need so i can proce it up, on a pretty tight buget so will need to save up
  24. richchappy

    Tropical To Marine

    reef if possible otherwise FOWLR if it cuts costs CONSIDERABLY
  25. richchappy

    Tropical To Marine

    Well i have a fluval duo 8000 (125l) tank set up a tropical fresh water at the moment, and i was wondering would it be feisable to change it to marine, if so what equiptment would i need to buy, and has anyone got any more tips or anything that may help, im a marine Noob tbh but i think i know...
  26. richchappy

    What Could Have Done This?

    im no expert but it sounds like an internal infection of some kind, he was probably infected at the store if you say the rest of the tank mates looked yellow,
  27. richchappy

    Can Cory Cats Bury Themselves?

    a lot of the time there just eating, they are searching around for food and i think when they stop they have found somthing to munch on, when there done they start moving again, in the wild, they would do this as they search for things like bloodworm etc that wont be on the surcace and will be...
  28. richchappy

    Please Send Me Pictures Of You Fish And Aquariums

    scroll down and there is a whole section for just pics
  29. richchappy

    Galaxy Rasbora

    they are awsome little fish, and i bet there very hard to photograph, hope you do manage to breed them, best of luck and keep us updated :good:
  30. richchappy

    How Many Cories Can I Fit In My 60liter Long Tank.

    with corys you are best going by surface area not volume,
  31. richchappy

    When Would It Be Safe?

    if you think they will be ok, just release one or 2 in there and see if they are ok, if so, release the others, if not get em out asap
  32. richchappy

    How Many Cories Can I Fit In My 60liter Long Tank.

    corys are best with 2 or 3 corys per square ft of surface area depending on the current bio load
  33. richchappy

    Aquarium Fish Magazine-may Issue

    can you get it in the uk
  34. richchappy

    What Ornaments For Your Cory's Do You Have?

    make sure the holes in any ornament are big enough, there have been storys about corys getting stuck and some dieing slowly, just make sure they can easily fit through even when fully grown
  35. richchappy

    My Pond!

    wow owow, have you got proper carp i can see aswell as koi
  36. richchappy

    6 Gal Hex Tank

    galaxys rasbora, single betta maby, or a dwarf puffer, or have a few snails in there or somthing
  37. richchappy

    Arghhh Snail Invasion

    probaly came on plants or suimmalar, one tip if you have any bogwood wait until just before turning off lighs and take the wood out and hose down there will be 100s of snails on it
  38. richchappy

    How Much Food?

    they will always seach through sand, thats what they do lol, quite hard to judge... not been much help really lol
  39. richchappy

    Newly Decorated And Tank And Random Fish Inhabitants

    nice tank, and great looking fish, love the blueish platty