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  1. C

    Fighter And Catfish Query

    cool thanks glod. I got lots of plants, quite a bit of java too and i have already made some slate hiding places for when i have clown cloaches. so i think i might give it a go. thanks :rolleyes:
  2. C

    Fighter And Catfish Query

    I have heard they are ok with Ram's but not heard what they are like with Betta's. Why do you think they wont be ok? Doh
  3. C

    Fighter And Catfish Query

    Hey Just curious, I have a male fighter and would like some upside down catfish, are they ok to keep togerther? Along with the Ram's oo? I have never had upside down catifsh and not sure if they are suitable with certain breeds. Thanks :good:
  4. C

    White Spot Advice Needed Please

    Yes I altered the temperature and went to the fish place and they provided me a really strong King British White spot treatment. This was last Saturday. They tested our water and evrything is spot on - they actually refunded us. So we have been doing the treatment accordingly (we also did a...
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    Can We All Stop Jumping On Everyone?

    Hey I think this is reasonable considering I have ear batterings of some people telling me the same. People need to understand that so many people give out different advice and help and so many people have different opinions. There a some very intelligent people on here that have also helped...
  6. C

    White Spot Advice Needed Please

    Hello I brought 5 new Neon tetra's last weekend along with Pink Kissing Gourami's. When we got home on Tuesday after work 2 neon's had died then a further one then we noticed that the 2 Kissing Gourami's have got white spot. One of the neons at 1st didnt get his colour straight back and I...
  7. C

    Albino Corydorus

    I have just put both the Clown Loach on ebay and the 3 female's. ( TRS201 is my ebay to prove this-hee hee) The shark is very small still and the pleco is at his full size he's an ansisterous catfish (excuse the spelling). The sucking loach is very small still but hard a work. So might keep them...
  8. C

    Albino Corydorus

    I really really appreciate your advice and reassurance. With regards to the fish and tank - we weren't aware that the sucking loach can get that large. The Beta's have been together for 8 months now and have no problem at all. I thought the same as you, at one place we were recommended to put...
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    Albino Corydorus

    Tank size: 50 lts ( Its a Jewel Record 60 ) pH: 8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: n/a kH: n/a gH: n/a tank temp: 25 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50 ltrs and every 2 weeks we change btwn a 1/4...
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    Albino Corydorus

    Hi guys, I am so so worried about my Albino Cory - he has an eye missing?!?!?! He isn't dead though. I don't know what to do? I've had him the longest and only set up in Feb/Mar this year.
  11. C

    Silver Sharks...

    I only have 1 shark, not too sure where the 8 came from....anyway we are looking at a 180ltr tank, a metre and half long....what you say????
  12. C

    Silver Sharks...

    Thank you very much, your comments have really helped.
  13. C

    Silver Sharks...

    We are getting a new tank very soon, like over the next 2 weeks, we nearly brought one yesterday but we were unsure about it being a corner one and now someone has answered my question, so we are better to get a long one...once the sharks start to get rather big we will rehome them anyway...but...
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    We have literally just got rid of a showl and are getting rid of some more, the reason for this is to give the sharks to grow and the loach, but we lost the shark, so we are waiting until we get a much much much bigger tank. My husband knows a lot more about Ram's though a friend of his that...
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    What's Your Claim To Fame?.

    My grandfather was a Jockey(not that well known) but if you know Horses you should have heard or knew of the Three Kings...well my grandfather Derek Leslie bread and brought up Dessert Orchid on his farm until someone brought him.....that's it really oh and John Reynolds is my uncle.
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    Visit My Ebay Shop...

    Hey guys, Just started selling my art and jewellery...take a look on me know what you think... :wub:
  17. C

    Digital Camera Problem

    Its nothing to do with the batteries at all, I am wondering if the screen problem is caused by something at the repairers end...heat and condensation may cause this and if it was dropped in between transit. I would suggest maybe...just incase....leting it dry out...and then see...just to cover...
  18. C

    Silver Sharks...

    The one we have now is about 2" long but thin still...which i am concerned about...we have a 70ltr tank but are getting a tank much bigger in next couple of weeks...about 100ltr's I think if not of those large corner ones... so currently only have 1 bala.
  19. C


    Hey, just got a Ram at the weekend, stunning little fella, but I know they can be quite sensitive...I have brought him some special food for what he likes and seems ok so far ad happy...but anyone got any advice and or anything else to offer?????
  20. C

    Silver Sharks...

    Does anyone know or have any experience in Silver Sharks? We did have two until one jumped out without our knowlege when transferring some fish and then we found him on the side dead the next day... :angry: So I went to Natural World in syston and they said they would normally suggest having...
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    I have already posted this but someone has deleted my thread, I don't know if you are allowed to post this type of message but if someone finds this a problem then can you email me rather than deleting it...ta. Anyway, I am not selling, I just need someone's help as I am overstocked.... I have...
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    Free Fish

    Ok cool, well if she says its ok and you would like them, text me to the above number as I am not always on the net. So that would be better. Ta.
  23. C

    Clown Loaches In A 55 Callon?

    It takes about 30 years for Clown Loaches to grow the there maximum size. Which would be like a foot. They get on fine with Cory's. I have 2 clown loach and 3 cory's and they are all fine together. Just make sure you get them the right food they like and plants and a hiding place for the loaches.
  24. C

    Free Fish

    Hi, I have 3 Platy's and 5 Pristella's that I need to find a new home for as I am over stocked. Obviously they'll need collecting, but I don't want anything for them just a "good home". Description: 2 x orange platy's with pea sized black spot on back tail and 1 x plain orange. 5x Pristella's...
  25. C

    Albino Catfish

    Never heard of either of those places. Me from Sunny Leicester. Yay. Cheers matey. Your a Star. :nod:
  26. C

    Albino Catfish

    You spakker. Good good just might have to pop out and get me a bigger tank, hee hee. Where do you get all your fish and etc's
  27. C

    Albino Catfish

    24' then thats bloomin huge?!?!?! Only joking about the 50 quid part. Cost about £6.50 each. Quite good price I thought. :unsure: 24feet is like 4 times my height. itd fill one of my rooms.
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    Albino Catfish

    They cost £50 each actually. :D What were the measurements in? Make it clear, tut! :P In litres
  29. C

    Albino Catfish

    How big is huge? What size would you say? You ca have the loach for £1000 each :fun: Hee hee. They're mine, hands off. They are cool.
  30. C

    Plant Advice - Please

    Well we have had the Molly's for 7 months all 3 and no problems. The female's betta's also with the male for 4 months and they seem ok. The females swim around together like a shoal and then have the odd flirt with the male. But we were told by the fish place to have 3 and 1 male. But we have...
  31. C

    Plant Advice - Please

    Hi all, I have had vairous plants in my tank, some have been eaten to the last bit and some just break up and really annoy me. What do you guys recommend? Some hardy, that wont break up easy but is also good for the tank. Nothing too huge as it is 60 ltrs.
  32. C

    Albino Catfish

    So do you think we could keep the sharks for a bit too or not? And is the pleco a good one to have? So do you think we could keep the sharks for a bit or not? and is the pleco a good one to have then? The Clown loach are cool, haven't you got any>?
  33. C

    Albino Catfish

    Can I have you email then becuase I really dont know how to attach pictures, I keep trying different things but it is not working. Pants! My email is: [email protected] Oh and the tank is 60ltrs. Doh! And yeah I saw your link about Graphic Designer, checked it out. Rather funky.
  34. C

    Albino Catfish

    Everytime we do a water change, every 2 weeks, we test the water too and it is always ok. We are due to do it on Friday and do all the tests. When we brought the Pleco we were told it was an anthistruss (sorry I have no idea how to spell it) and that it was a bristlenose. Can we sell fish on...
  35. C

    Albino Catfish

    Thanks then, I am going to tx for Fin Rot asap. Do you think it'd be wise to sell some fish then? I thought of selling th 5 x Pristella and the 3 Zebra Danio's? Do you think that would help? And then get a couple more of the Corry's? Sorry to bother you on an evening, just reply when you can...
  36. C

    Albino Catfish

    Yeah they are Pristella's. So I think by what you both have said the tank is over crowded. What shall I do to sort this? Am worried now. With regards to Fin rot, we had a lot of fish die. Basically when we set up 7 months ago, we had about 20 fish all of which died. The place we went to told...
  37. C

    Albino Catfish

    Sorry they are called Zebra Danio's and the Plastella's are like silver in main colour with 2 pinty fins top and bottome that have black and yellow on them. I cant find a picture and dont know how to attatch one. Its not letting me copy and paste. The fighters get on quite well actually. The...
  38. C

    Albino Catfish

    They are called Albino Corydoras Its not letting me paste a picture of one. Does the name help? The list of other fish: 2 silver sharks 2 clown loaches 3 zebra finch 1 pleco 5 plastella tetras 3 female fighters 1 male fighter 3 platys 2 mollys 1 albino catifsh
  39. C

    Albino Catfish

    I am unsure of the precise name for these, but has anyone had any problems in terms of there back tail fin being nipped? I have had 3 all together, the 1st is still strong, but his tail has started to be nipped. One other died a week ago and was really badly nipped then his side near there eye...
  40. C

    What Do Plecos Like To Eat

    I give mine a thick slice of cucumber and he loves it. Always eats the middle about a 10p size. But then the other day all that was left was a tiny 1cm piece of the skin. So I think he must have eaten the skin. It is very good for them and I feed him with it 3 times a week.