Fighter And Catfish Query


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Shepshed, LEICS

Just curious, I have a male fighter and would like some upside down catfish, are they ok to keep togerther? Along with the Ram's oo? I have never had upside down catifsh and not sure if they are suitable with certain breeds.

Thanks :good:
not with the betta not sure bout the rams
I have heard they are ok with Ram's but not heard what they are like with Betta's.

Why do you think they wont be ok?

Upside down cats are quite large compared to the Betta. I don't think they would attack him, but there's no certainty that your Betta won't feel threatened by them.

As long as the tank is well planted and has lots of hiding places available for him to take a time out I think it might be ok assuming there is enough space.
cool thanks glod. I got lots of plants, quite a bit of java too and i have already made some slate hiding places for when i have clown cloaches. so i think i might give it a go. thanks :rolleyes:

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