Albino Catfish


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
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Shepshed, LEICS
I am unsure of the precise name for these, but has anyone had any problems in terms of there back tail fin being nipped?

I have had 3 all together, the 1st is still strong, but his tail has started to be nipped. One other died a week ago and was really badly nipped then his side near there eye went really red raw. The 3rd died I think becuase it was very tiny.

But the one I still have is getting his tail nipped more and more and am worried. If he goes do I bother getting another and is there a reason for this?
a picture would be great, and a list of the other fish in tank.

Albino is very vague, as you have albino bristlenose catfish, albino cories etc etc etc
a picture would be great, and a list of the other fish in tank.

Albino is very vague, as you have albino bristlenose catfish, albino cories etc etc etc

They are called
Albino Corydoras
Its not letting me paste a picture of one. Does the name help?

The list of other fish:

2 silver sharks
2 clown loaches
3 zebra finch
1 pleco
5 plastella tetras
3 female fighters
1 male fighter
3 platys
2 mollys
1 albino catifsh
yeah albino cories :D

I would suggest you get some more cories, at least 2 more, preferably more.

erm what are zebra finch? I thought they were these
Zebra Finch
I dont think these mix well with water :D

I am also at a loss to what plastella tetras are :(

you keep a male fighter with female fighters? that a recipe for death :S

I think the culprites could be the female fighters OR the tetra, depending on what these tetra are, as I have no clue

*Edit: image was MASSIVE, lol
yeah albino cories :D

I would suggest you get some more cories, at least 2 more, preferably more.

erm what are zebra finch? I thought they were these
Zebra Finch
I dont think these mix well with water :D

I am also at a loss to what plastella tetras are :(

you keep a male fighter with female fighters? that a recipe for death :S

I think the culprites could be the female fighters OR the tetra, depending on what these tetra are, as I have no clue

*Edit: image was MASSIVE, lol

Sorry they are called Zebra Danio's and the Plastella's are like silver in main colour with 2 pinty fins top and bottome that have black and yellow on them. I cant find a picture and dont know how to attatch one. Its not letting me copy and paste.

The fighters get on quite well actually. The females swim around together and then have the odd flirt/fling with the male. We were suprised too, but had them together for 3 months and all good so far.

As regards to the Albino Cories I did have 2 together but the smaller ine was getting eaten then died now the one that is still alive is getting the same. So you think maybe I should get some more then? Probably big ish ones rather than smally's. But I am worried if we may have too many fish. We have been told so many different things. We have a 60 ltr. Some said we could have more(which we're not doing) and some said thats pushing it and some said its all ok. So dont know what to do. Argh
erm... 60ltrs.... thats only 15imp gallons

Your Silver sharks will grow TOO big for the tank, and so will the clown loaches, although the clown loaches take around 20-30years to grow to their maximum size.

I gather you mean Pristella maxillaris, or xray tetra.
They dont fin nip, I have 3 of these myself :D, I also have zebra danios, and these wouldn;t IMO be the fin nippers either.

So for me the only one I can come up with would be the female fighters.

Have any of your other fish got torn fins? it could be due to water quailty if so.

your Cory will be lonely and you wont be doing it any favours keeping it on its own. :(
I have had 3 all together, the 1st is still strong, but his tail has started to be nipped. One other died a week ago and was really badly nipped then his side near there eye went really red raw. The 3rd died I think becuase it was very tiny.

Hi cl22 :)

What you are describing is probably not the result of damage caused by another fish, but is more likely the result of a bacterial infection also known as finrot. It is the most common cause of death in corys and is brought about when the fish's immune system becomes too weakened to fight off the potentially harmful bacteria living in any tank.

This disease can appear in many forms. Some of them include white patches that look like fungus, deterioration of fins and/or barbels, sudden unexplained death, ulcerations and red bruises. If the primary causes are not changed, your other fish are likely to suffer from the same thing.

Some of the conditions leading to bacterial infections in corys include sudden rises in temperature, aggressive tankmates, high nitrates or nitrites, overstocking the tank, food left uneaten on the bottom, or low oxygen levels in the water.

If you suspect any of these conditions exist in your tank, first do some good water changes and then treat the tank with either Waterlife's Myxazin or Interpet's Anti-Finrot & Fungus medicine. (Or use an antibiotic if they are available to you.)

From the looks of your fish list, my first guess is that your tank is overcrowded, or soon will be. You will have to correct this situation if you want your fish to be healthy.
Yeah they are Pristella's.

So I think by what you both have said the tank is over crowded. What shall I do to sort this? Am worried now.

With regards to Fin rot, we had a lot of fish die. Basically when we set up 7 months ago, we had about 20 fish all of which died. The place we went to told us not to put stuff in the new waer when changing, or that we needed special food for particular fish and other things the never told us. So we started using place in Syston and none of the fish have died. But we did go and buy a Corrie and 2 Platy's from the old place and the next day all the fish had white spot. We treated them and fortunately none died.

Now, none of the current fish have any funny marks, it is only the corrie that has the problems of fin rot or being bitten.

So do you think I should get some special fin rot tx, and maybe try and sell some fish?

We were tld that by having two sharks they wouldn't grow that big and never ever told that the clown loach would grow huge. I am big mad that we have never been told things.

Thanks so much for your guys help, really really helpful.

the lie about the fish growing to tank size is a lie, nowadays any way. due to how well we look after the fish and the tanks, fish rarley become stunted due to neglect now. not even goldfish grow ONLY to the size of their tanks.

that stuff is declorinator to remove heavey metals and chlorine, and chlorimines.

but ti does sound like fin rot
Thanks then, I am going to tx for Fin Rot asap.

Do you think it'd be wise to sell some fish then?

I thought of selling th 5 x Pristella and the 3 Zebra Danio's? Do you think that would help? And then get a couple more of the Corry's?

Sorry to bother you on an evening, just reply when you can, thanks again for your help.
lol I'm still in work :(

I work till 8 on a wednesday :'(

get rid of the sharks and the common plec

if you want a plec, got for a bristlenose, bulldog or l001 they stay small and are pretty cheap. the L001 is a smaller version of a sailfin plec, which grow over 2foot, the l001 grows to about 6"-7" and is much nicer looking :D

keep the danios and the tetra and get two more cories,
but and this is a big BUT

make sure your tank is safe before you buy anymore fish ;)
Everytime we do a water change, every 2 weeks, we test the water too and it is always ok. We are due to do it on Friday and do all the tests.

When we brought the Pleco we were told it was an anthistruss (sorry I have no idea how to spell it) and that it was a bristlenose.

Can we sell fish on this forum do you know?

My sharks :angry: They're one of favorites. But if its gotta be done, then its gotta be done.

What to doo.....

(still at work, I am in my PJ's :hyper: heehee)

Actually the pleco looks very much like your big picture.
can you get a photo of your plec, if it looks like the one in my sig you may be ok, but then it could be a gibbi (sail fin) :S

How big is your tank? I cant remember if you said and I cant see it here, unless I've gone screen blind. which does happen sat at a computer form 9am-8pm :(

I work as a graphic designer so long shifts :(

on finding out the size of your tank we can all advise you better, and some pics would be good if you can get them on your thread PM me, I'll send you my email addy and then I'll post them for you :)

just a quick edit: heres a link to info on bala sharks (silver sharks Linky
Can I have you email then becuase I really dont know how to attach pictures, I keep trying different things but it is not working. Pants!

My email is: [email protected]

Oh and the tank is 60ltrs. Doh!

And yeah I saw your link about Graphic Designer, checked it out. Rather funky.
my link about graphic designer?

any way I've mailed you so you have my email addy now :D

60ltr = 15imp gallons, so yeah no bala sharks for you I'm sorry :(

I REALLY want some bala's but I have too many tanks already and no more room :D plus they are better kept in big groups too. :)

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