Silver Sharks...


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
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Shepshed, LEICS
Does anyone know or have any experience in Silver Sharks?

We did have two until one jumped out without our knowlege when transferring some fish and then we found him on the side dead the next day... :angry: So I went to Natural World in syston and they said they would normally suggest having two together but I mentioned that the one that is still alive is the thinner one and not grown, the one that comitted suicide was junkier and healthier looking, so my thought was to wait until the current one(George of course) put on some more weight and perked up a bit then got a second one.

What you guys reckon?

We are also in the process of getting a much much larger tank, so should I just wait until then....???
Does anyone know or have any experience in Silver Sharks?

We did have two until one jumped out without our knowlege when transferring some fish and then we found him on the side dead the next day... :angry: So I went to Natural World in syston and they said they would normally suggest having two together but I mentioned that the one that is still alive is the thinner one and not grown, the one that comitted suicide was junkier and healthier looking, so my thought was to wait until the current one(George of course) put on some more weight and perked up a bit then got a second one.

What you guys reckon?

We are also in the process of getting a much much larger tank, so should I just wait until then....???

Silver sharks (also known as bala sharks) are known to be prone to jumping, so the tank should be properly secured with proper fitting hood etc.
Silver sharks do best in groups of 3+ and need an absolute minimum of a 75gallon long tank to live in (as these fish can grow to 10inches+ long and are very active and skittish fish), although 100gals+ is better.
How many gallons is your tank currently and how big are the sharks?
The one we have now is about 2" long but thin still...which i am concerned about...we have a 70ltr tank but are getting a tank much bigger in next couple of weeks...about 100ltr's I think if not of those large corner ones...
so currently only have 1 bala.

Does anyone know or have any experience in Silver Sharks?

We did have two until one jumped out without our knowlege when transferring some fish and then we found him on the side dead the next day... :angry: So I went to Natural World in syston and they said they would normally suggest having two together but I mentioned that the one that is still alive is the thinner one and not grown, the one that comitted suicide was junkier and healthier looking, so my thought was to wait until the current one(George of course) put on some more weight and perked up a bit then got a second one.

What you guys reckon?

We are also in the process of getting a much much larger tank, so should I just wait until then....???

Silver sharks (also known as bala sharks) are known to be prone to jumping, so the tank should be properly secured with proper fitting hood etc.
Silver sharks do best in groups of 3+ and need an absolute minimum of a 75gallon long tank to live in (as these fish can grow to 10inches+ long and are very active and skittish fish), although 100gals+ is better.
How many gallons is your tank currently and how big are the sharks?
The tank would also need to be a long tank as opposed to a larger corner tank inorder for the fish to "stretch" his fins.
The one we have now is about 2" long but thin still...which i am concerned about...we have a 70ltr tank but are getting a tank much bigger in next couple of weeks...about 100ltr's I think if not of those large corner ones...
so currently only have 1 bala.

A 100litre is not going to be suitable for bala sharks in the long term, the shark would soon outgrow it, and if you are not going to upgrade to a tank 75gals or more by christmas, you should rehome the shark now.
I wouldn't put 'silver sharks' in any less than a 6'x2'x2' then I'd still want an 8'x3' for them.
We are getting a new tank very soon, like over the next 2 weeks, we nearly brought one yesterday but we were unsure about it being a corner one and now someone has answered my question, so we are better to get a long one...once the sharks start to get rather big we will rehome them anyway...but that will take a will hang on to him for now! :good:
I wouldn't put 'silver sharks' in any less than a 6'x2'x2' then I'd still want an 8'x3' for them.

I agree that the bigger the better, but a 75gal long would suffice for a very long time with a trio of bala sharks;
I would dispute that. My 8 in my 6x2x2 are starting to look like they need something bigger, and they are just 2 years old. I would say that the largest is pushing 8 to 9 inches and before long will be far better off in something larger to enable him to swim without stopping after just one flick of the tail.
I agree that the bigger the better, but a 75gal long would suffice for a very long time with a trio of bala sharks;
I would dispute that. My 8 in my 6x2x2 are starting to look like they need something bigger, and they are just 2 years old. I would say that the largest is pushing 8 to 9 inches and before long will be far better off in something larger to enable him to swim without stopping after just one flick of the tail.

So the index needs its info updating? I took the advice in the profile because it was CFC's (who is very a very knowledgable fish keeper, particually on larger fish types), although i did doubt it a little myself. Bala sharks are like huge danio's, they propell themselves forward with quick agile movements of the tail rather than by wagging their tails like guppys do, so they naturally need lots of space.
I personally think a 125gal tank (5ft long, 2ft wide and high) would be a better minimum.
No, they NEED 6 feet in length from about 4" upwards, otherwise they are just going to be ploughing their noses into trhe glass whenever anyone walks near the tank. They need the length before they need the extra width to turn. A 72x18x18 should suffice a good 18 months, maybe even to two years, but shortly after they will benefit from more turning room (so they can at least still "circuit" the tank without stopping and turning).

I suggest a much larger tank for these than most, but it depends on how you view keeping fish. I like to think that the faster swimming fish need a little more room. The minimums in guides should be viewed as just that, a bare minimum, not a target to then stuff the fish in.

On balas I respecfully disagree with my learned friend CFC on minimum tank size, but I always give it as my opinion from watching my fish. Others may see it differently from their fish, maybe mine are hyperactive, but I doubt all 8 would be exceptions.
Thank you very much, your comments have really helped.

No, they NEED 6 feet in length from about 4" upwards, otherwise they are just going to be ploughing their noses into trhe glass whenever anyone walks near the tank. They need the length before they need the extra width to turn. A 72x18x18 should suffice a good 18 months, maybe even to two years, but shortly after they will benefit from more turning room (so they can at least still "circuit" the tank without stopping and turning).

I suggest a much larger tank for these than most, but it depends on how you view keeping fish. I like to think that the faster swimming fish need a little more room. The minimums in guides should be viewed as just that, a bare minimum, not a target to then stuff the fish in.

On balas I respecfully disagree with my learned friend CFC on minimum tank size, but I always give it as my opinion from watching my fish. Others may see it differently from their fish, maybe mine are hyperactive, but I doubt all 8 would be exceptions.
I'm inclined to agree with the 6 foot min tank size, i have 4 in my 6 footer and they have ample room. 8 however is a totally different story, I wouldn't keep more than the 4 i have in a 6' tank, at least not on a permanent basis.
I only have 1 shark, not too sure where the 8 came from....anyway we are looking at a 180ltr tank, a metre and half long....what you say????

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