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    How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added

    Will try again. ..... well after heroes! lol
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    How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added

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    How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added

    lol genius!! Thanks for the help guys. I will look to place a few adds etc. and gauge the responce. Jay come round soon and have a look at the tank.
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    How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added

    Hello Stang, I'm afraid I am I am moving and can't keep my ace set up that has taken me well over a year to be happy with. (how the hell do you add pics nowadays?) I will take it up again in the future though. I can't find much on my tank, but I guess I can look for similar. Cheers as always...
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    How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added

    That's not the case, or the question.
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    How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added

    Hello, I have a 50ish gallon Aqua Vista tank with stand, It has a good external filter, it is in near perfect condition and has been looked after very well. It is about a year old. It is stocked with Rainbow Cichlids, Clown Loaches, 3 BN's, and 3 nice sized Angels. It is now I think near as...
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    How Can I Save Albino Cory Eggs

    Thank you for your help.
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    How Can I Save Albino Cory Eggs

    Anyone with experience of removing eggs from plants, filters, glass? any help really appreciated.
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    How Can I Save Albino Cory Eggs

    I wish I had a spare tank, I was wondering the best way to really remove the eggs from the side of the filter? I will prob buy a net 2morro rather than the hatch, as long as I can find a way to safely remove the eggs and place into the net. Thank you
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    How Can I Save Albino Cory Eggs

    Hello to all. have not been on site for some time. The question is: My dad's very new tank was set up and all his fish moved a week or so later, he spotted some eggs on his filter and after a bit of research found this to be the cories. he and I would like to keep as many as poss and I would...
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    Want To Give Up Now!

    Thank you very much for your kind words.
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    Want To Give Up Now!

    I moved house on wednesday, I got the tank up and running without losing a single fish through the move. I then connected everything back up, filter heater etc. I looked at the tank last night to check and I had killed my young bgk!! I did'nt put the strainer back on the filter and he must have...
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    Idea's For A Very Small Tank

    Thanks to everyone with a sensible answer. It's appreciated. And to the sarcasic answers, why do you bother.! Don't say anything if you can not at least be constuctive.
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    Idea's For A Very Small Tank

    I saw this on ebay, qute like it, and i think could look cool in the bathroom / kitchen. What could you put in this tank? I would say betta's need at least 2gallon, but thats opinion, some people say 1 gallon some say 5. But lets not...
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    Names Of Your Fish?

    I will evaluate for you Fish R. Bob, I like, as it is random Mr and Mrs Pacman - obvoiusly, nice name Oscars = very imaginative Plecs - unsure there. Tetra's that's very funny, could be P-unit. :D Concict - don't really get that, could call him Bronson. lol. overall - really cool names.
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    Names Of Your Fish?

    I have a few names for some of the fish I have. I have the first ever fry we had she is a mollie called "baby". We also have a rainbow cichlid called "survivor" jayjay (a member here) gave me 10 rainbow fry and he was the only one clever enough to stay in the breeding box!! so hence "survivor"...
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    Can't Find An Easy Answer On Google

    Do you plant frogbit and let it find it's was to the surface or do you let it root down from the top of the tank? Or does it even need to root? Thanks in advance Lee
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    Is Love In The Air For Sir Puddles?

    Now thats one way to break a romance!! :D
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    New Baby Biorb

    I think your tank looks cool. nice one.
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    How Many Tanks Do You Have?

    I have 1 50 gal community, and am waiting to set up my star wars themed jewel 96. so the answer is 2 :D
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    My 15 Gallon

    I like the tank and ship, but i would set up the heater vertical as the bn's can sometimes decide they want to sleep on it and can burn themselves really bad. I read this in the fish index and thought you might want to know.
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    My Dads Tank After A Few Alterations

    He has asked me to say thank you for the kind comments. spud
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    My Dads Tank After A Few Alterations

    He has had it 2 months. here it is. and another shot He has a couple of nice pieces of bogwood and also a few rapidly growing plants.
  24. tank_1_looking_up.JPG


  25. tank_shot_2.JPG


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    No problems will gladly post pictures of its progress, Thanks for the advice andy.
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    Hello, I am collecting bits and bobs at the moment from Ebay for my new tank that I will set up in appox 1 month when I move house. It will be a star wars themed tank with at at walkers, a millenium falcon and other star wars things. I need to somehow stick these down to a clear plastic acrylic...
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    Boycott Taylors Estate Agents!

    Yeah they are pants!!! I hope I can get those clowns, I have a little shool so I will offer them a tenner and tell them to get something more appropriate.
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    Boycott Taylors Estate Agents!

    I went into my local Taylors estate agents to check up some details over the sale of my house, in there they had one of those half hezagonal tanks, approx 7 gal I guess, It had 2 clown loaches 1 red tailed black shark, 5-6 neons, and a male mollie. What made me more worried is he said "I dont...
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    Holiday Feeders

    £13 aint bad for 1 tank, I know people with 6+ tanks, so it could be costly! Some blocks are good, some are poor, I would stay away from the fish stick they sometimes sell, they really cloud the water as my dad found out recently.
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    Juwel Vision 180, Need A Little Help

    I have swords in my tank I think (not that up on plants, here is a recent pic.) I find these plants easy to manage, and quite robust so don't get chewed easily. Find yourself some odd pieces of bogwood and use your imagination with them, connect them in the tank, twist them untill it looks...
  32. tank_with_rock_paint.JPG


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    This Person Should Not Keep Fish...

    So I do not think that you're just looking for an argument, or if you are, you are in the wrong place. Not always the case on here, plenty of people looking for arguments I have found. But I think this video is good for new people to see, who have just taken up the hobbie as this may help...
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    Would The Fish Be Safe Dont want them injured. It will be needed I think for my Star wars themed 2nd tank thanks. Lee
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    The Multiple Tanks Of My Room

    AHHHH, Jay I have 2 left!!!! my clowns have had them I think, can I pick some more up. I have now had to place the mesh from the breeding net onto the breeding box that i have, that now seems to do the trick!! What a mare. star trek, tut tut. :lol:
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    Wats Ur Next Aquarium Project?

    My next project (when i convince the missus it's well, well cool) is a 30g yello lab / red zebra cichlid tank, with a star wars theme. I know I will be allowed but just need to buy a millenium falcon and an AT-AT. I have high hopes.
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    Tombstone Tank

    sorry to hear about morgan, Good luck with the rest of the project.
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    Red Tailed Sharks ?

    I love this place. So much anger. LOL
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    The Multiple Tanks Of My Room

    Jay I like the look of the 25g, and survivior is doing great in the main tank and is brave enough to swim freely now. Still thinking star wars, sarah thought I was joking so have to convince her. I am thinking black blackground with stars all over it, then the millenium falcon one side, and a...
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    The Multiple Tanks Of My Room

    Can I have some of the fry please Jay. lol