Red Tailed Sharks ?

RED-FINNED BLACK SHARK. I did not ONCE say Red-Tailed. How about you read my posts right you idiotic moron.

You said...

I have a Red-Tailed Black Shark, also known as a Rainbow Shark

How about you read the OP's question before you look even sillier calling other people names? They said Redtailed black shark. Not once did anyone other than you mention redfinned.
Lets not confuse the RTBS or rainbow shark with the Black shark either lol 3 times bigger and 3 times meaner than the already territorial RTBS and it has NO red fins!:) heheh
I have a Red-Tailed Black Shark, also known as a Rainbow Shark

RED-FINNED BLACK SHARK. I did not ONCE say Red-Tailed. How about you read my posts right you idiotic moron.

how about you read your own post I have made the relevant part bold so it is easier for you to see what you wrote. :nod:
Calling people a moron is very insulting
have fun here whilst you can, with an attitude like that you won't last long.
your offensive comment has been reported.
Now, can anyone tell me where I can find a black-tailed red shark?
I'm looking for one to be companion to my albino rainbow tailed white shark!

I love this place.... time at work just flies by when you've got entertaining threads like this one.....

PS: I wasn't intending to offend anyone who has previously posted in this thread - just found the whole thing quite amusing....
idiotic moron!!!!!!!!

LOL---- Need to say any more?

Also found a BTRS

RED-FINNED BLACK SHARK. I did not ONCE say Red-Tailed. How about you read my posts right you idiotic moron.
I'm really sorry (to stick my nose where it doesn't belong) but this whole thread cracks me up and has made my day :lol:

Fluffy - you're not such a "fluffy" person after all ;)
I have a Red-Tailed Black Shark, also known as a Rainbow Shark

RED-FINNED BLACK SHARK. I did not ONCE say Red-Tailed. How about you read my posts right you idiotic moron.

how about you read your own post I have made the relevant part bold so it is easier for you to see what you wrote. :nod:
Calling people a moron is very insulting
have fun here whilst you can, with an attitude like that you won't last long.
your offensive comment has been reported.

Sorry, Fluffy Bala Sharks, this is not the forum to post on if you are going to be rude and disrespectful of other members. :no: Perhaps a few days on Mod's Review will help you become more aware of the need to improve your manners! :grr:
If you plan on getting one you should ATLEAST have a fifty gallon tank. =/ I suggest no small tank mates... They do however do fine with Bala Sharks. I have a Red-Tailed Black Shark, also known as a Rainbow Shark and he's in my aquarium with two Bala Sharks. Don't get more than two, they'll end up killing each other most likely. =/

RED-FINNED BLACK SHARK. I did not ONCE say Red-Tailed. How about you read my posts right you idiotic moron.

One senses a hole being dug and it getting deeper and deeper. :nod:

Amazing how these 2 posters who obviously are differnt posters from the second comment have the same username. let me get my glasses just to check they are the same.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Can anybody help me get out of this hole some idiots dug....Anybody. :blink:
I love this place. So much anger. LOL
I've seen worse sites believe me.
At the end of the day we should all be here to help one another.
I love this place as well..........

Good to see that while people dig holes to deep, we can still find love.

Has anyone seen that red finned black tailed albino shark? My LFS just got some in!!

The albino RFBS is quite common and I've seen then for 15 years at least
What is new in the UK though is the albino RTBS, this is better than the red fin as it has some loverly metalic marking's onthe fins as well.

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