How Much Is My Set Up Worth On Ebay? Pics Added


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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Hello, I have a 50ish gallon Aqua Vista tank with stand, It has a good external filter, it is in near perfect condition and has been looked after very well. It is about a year old.
It is stocked with Rainbow Cichlids, Clown Loaches, 3 BN's, and 3 nice sized Angels.
It is now I think near as good as I can get it, with the decor, full of slate and rocks and some bogwood. Have not been on this site in ages and have no idea how to add a pic anymore I will edit this and add one soon if I work it out!!

Thanks for any help or advice in advnace.


i would not trust the cicuilds withe angeles because both are aggressive
Hi Lee,
Not giving up the hobby I hope.
I found the easiest way is to have a look at adverts on different sites and on e-bay itself to give you a better idea of what people are prepared to pay. ;)
Hello Stang, I'm afraid I am I am moving and can't keep my ace set up that has taken me well over a year to be happy with. (how the hell do you add pics nowadays?)
I will take it up again in the future though.

I can't find much on my tank, but I guess I can look for similar.

Cheers as always Stang.

Hi Lee,
Not giving up the hobby I hope.
I found the easiest way is to have a look at adverts on different sites and on e-bay itself to give you a better idea of what people are prepared to pay. ;)
You can either download a picture on somewhere like or add one straight from your computer. I've not tried the second way but someone pointed it out the other day.

I'm so sorry you're having to give it up for now, you've worked so hard on that tank. :(
I hope you're still going to be an active member on the board. ;)
Sorry to hear you're having to give it up. One of the problems with selling on eBay is that you will only appeal to locals as the shipping would be astronomical because of the tank being large and fragile. You might try posting flyers in the local fish stores and/or letting the staff know incase someone is looking for a used tank.

As for posting photos, you will need an account with a hosting service like or You upload them there and then link to the URL here by using the
Hey Lee.

How many clown loaches do you have? If you'll split I may take a few things? What make external is it, I've forgot?

I doubt I'd be allowed the whole tank though :/

Advertise on forums, aquarist classifieds etc.

Not sure on how much you'd get sorry.
but still you would be selling fish that could kill each other then the people will complain ect
grimmy do you have experience with rainbow cichlids? I gave them to him, I used to breed them, they won't kill the other fish.
not really but my dad used to breed them as well they can be aggressive same with the angles they would fight for terratory
This isn't the point of this thread and is irrelevant. Sorry for going off topic Lee.
like i said earlier but still you would be selling fish that could kill each other then the people will complain ect
They could kill each other, I'm going to put my money on they won't. I bred them in a community setup once. If they are living together now, why will it change?
but there is a chance they will thats all im saying

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