How Can I Save Albino Cory Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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Hello to all. have not been on site for some time.

The question is: My dad's very new tank was set up and all his fish moved a week or so later, he spotted some eggs on his filter and after a bit of research found this to be the cories. he and I would like to keep as many as poss and I would like to know what method would be best, how can he remove the eggs to stop them being eaten, and can they be put in a breeding hatch in egg form?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Breeding hatch isn't the healthiest for baby fry, best place is a small spare tank or something similar, correct me if i'm wrong.

I wish I had a spare tank, I was wondering the best way to really remove the eggs from the side of the filter?
I will prob buy a net 2morro rather than the hatch, as long as I can find a way to safely remove the eggs and place into the net.

Thank you
Anyone with experience of removing eggs from plants, filters, glass? any help really appreciated.
I use a breeder net and razor blade. Mine also like to lay eggs on the filter. I turn the filter off, place the net under the filter and using the razor blade carefully scrape them off going from bottom to top. Any eggs that remain on the blade can be carefully swished off. I use the same method for eggs on the glass. With plants it's best to move the leaf the eggs are on. Place the net near your filter flow for aeration. They should hatch in 3-5 days approximately.
Last time that I had 2 batches I used my fingers to get the eggs out 1 by one, all 400 times -_-. I also put them all in a spare 10 gallon with a sponge filter, and only 15 eggs did not hatch. I also used the net breeder a while back, and it went pretty well too.

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