Is Love In The Air For Sir Puddles?


Aug 5, 2004
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Somewhere over the rainbow.......
Why yes it is! As many of you may know me and Paul have been together for quite a while now, and Puddles is as much his fish as he is mine... (He's so sexy :drool: ... the fish... not Paul :p )

Anyway, on with the story... (Don't you just love stories?)

This is his Lordship, I present to thee Sir Puddles...


Isn't he handsome? :* :wub:

His Threads:

So on Valentines Day, me and Paul went shopping, as you do. Now I'm not into the whole Valentines Day thing, complete waste of money... However I rather liked this one, partly cos I was with paul and could laugh at all you lonely people (hehe :fun: ) and partly cos of the present I received.

Paul took me to a fish shop in Cantenbury (such a long boring trip :zz ) Once there we went in and bought my present... *can't hold excitement in much longer...*

And here she is, I present to thee, Lady Electra Puddles



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:wub: Now isn't that cute?

She's only an ickle baby electric eel. And a real sweetie... :wub: When she has grown (quite a bit, she's only about 9" long ^_^ ) she will eventually move in with Sir Puddles and they shall live happily ever after :) :hey:

Thankyou for looking ^_^

awww what a cute couple :wub: (the fish not you two :sick: :p )

how big are they both? lady electra puddles looks teeny weeny! :hyper:
awwwwwwww how sweet is that....

paul n hooli the wedding organisers

what sort of wedding would 2 eels have i wonder :lol: dont forget my invite
about time hunni, shes been waiting for her public apperance.

As Lisa said Electra is 9" and Sir Puddles is a huge 20" now.
awwww what an ace valentines present for you and for sir puddles, she's lovely :good:
WOW, I love her! A real beauty. What size tank will they be going in? Tank size will limit agro and the chances that one will be killed (please God no!).
Thankyou for all the nice comments everyone :D

nice fish, is there any chance of one of them killing the other though?

The only way of them killing each other is through physical contact, they will not be able to electocute each other due to having thick skins to protect themselves from their own shock.

WOW, I love her! A real beauty. What size tank will they be going in? Tank size will limit agro and the chances that one will be killed (please God no!).

The tank size is not decided yet. Yes tank size will limit aggression however it has been proven that electric eels become very peaceful to one another once fully grown and can be kept together in harmony.
The only way of them killing each other is through physical contact, they will not be able to electocute each other due to having thick skins to protect themselves from their own shock.
Are you sure on this?

The electrical organs in each eel are under their own skin, meaning any electrical discharge has to travel through the skin. If it can travel one way, then there is always a possibility it can travel the other. Also, considering the thickness of the skin of horses, which are reported to have been stunned by eels in the wild, I doubt the thickness of the skin on the eel will compare favourably.

It may be that the eel acts somewhat like a Faraday's cage to incoming electrical discharges and as such any current will flow around rather than through the fish.

The exact nature of the electrical discharge is far from certain, and there are some scientists who state their research shows the electrical discharge is not long enough to actually use when hunting (though others have found fish inside the stomach of electric catfish that would be considered far too fast for the catfish to predate on by conventional means).

It is perfectly possible that any bickering will, therefore, just be that which exists between two BGK in the same tank. This would mean that so long as you had a tank large enough to give them both territory then you should have no problems.

Will be interesting to find out, and let's hope the new one isn't as aggressive as CFC's...

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