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    What Is It?

    when the guppies about to drop if you look closely you should be able to see the frys eyes where the dark patch is that is a sign she is about to drop.
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    Platy Fry!

    hi there i have just found a platty in my main tank to hope everything goes well!
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    Kribs Eggs

    Thanks When will they swim around the tank with their parents?
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    Kribs Eggs

    They haven't come out of the cave yet i can only just see them wriggling how long is it till they come out they hatched this morning
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    Kribs Eggs

    hi i looked in my tank this morning to find most of the eggs have gone and there are wrigglers in a dip were the parents have dug out what should i do now?
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    Kribs Eggs

    hi thanks for your reply! Its a bit tricky to take the photos, plus also the last time i flashed a torch in they ate the eggs so i dont really want to risk that again(camera flash). But i will keep you posted on how i get on. They should be hatching soon this is the third day i have seen them...
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    Kribs Eggs

    cool thanks for the reply by the way
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    Kribs Eggs

    hi there My kribs have laid eggs on the roof of a cave which i can see. The female keeps pecking at them is this good or bad?. Is she cleaning them or something?. I dont think she is eating them because they are all there and none are disappearing thanks
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    Would This Fish Live Ok Together?

    i have rams with simalar size fish and they dont even seem bothered by them. there isnt any chasing involved or anything
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    Bolivian Rams

    hi i will try to put pictures on but how do you do it? also i can only put questions on beginner quesions ive already tried on african cichlids but it wont let me thanks
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    Bolivian Rams

    does anyone who has bred rams know anything about their rituals? or who has some a the mo? i think my rams may be a different sort because in the tank in the shop they all were the same but they said that they were male and female the ones he got me. thanks
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    Bolivian Rams

    thanks both of mine look like the bottom one but the pet shop said they were male and female. anyone know anything about the last two questions thanks
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    Bolivian Rams

    hi there i have two rams and i have a few questions. how to tell if male and female? they are lip locking some cichlids this is breeding ritual is this the same for rams? also how to tell if breeding (like rituals and stuff) like (kribensis shake) things like that, how to tell?
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    can anyone answer that cos i really need to know it will help
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    My female still gaurds the cave but she chases the male away does this mean she is protecting fry in cave?, its just that others have said that they chase the male thats why you should have dither fish (which i do have). thanks
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    oh yeh well anyway fingers crossed
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    if she had eaten them then why is she in the cave 24/7? i think they are still there. otherwise she would be swimming around.
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    ok but if they did eat them will they breed again and how long
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    no i didnt clean the filter they have been really aggressive today actually. so they may of hatched the femaldee wont leave the cave at all and the male is outside. the book says that fry hatch on third day but arent free swimming what does this mean, they just lie on the floor, but the female...
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    in a book they sad that they hatch at third day and swim on seventh so i dont know if they have taken them somewhere, nothing else can go in the cave. can anybody elsew give an answer thanks
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    Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?

    hi i saw eggs on the top of the cave about three days ago. i looked in today and they have dissappeared apart from a couple have they hatched or been eaten? the female still goes in the cave and they are both being agressive. thanks
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    Kribensis Eggs!

    thanks do you know the answer to my other questions by any chance
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    Kribensis Eggs!

    HI! i have kribensis eggs on the roof of my plant pot. first of all how long till they hatch? My pump needs cleaning out and its right near the pot will they eat the eggs if i clean it? and people say theat pumps suck them up how can i avoid this? thanks
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    I Think My Kribensis Are Breeding Now!

    ive seen eggs on the roof now how long till they hatch
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    I Think My Kribensis Are Breeding Now!

    hi there I think that my kribensis are breeding now as they are constantly in the plant pot (which they wasnt before). the famale spends alot of time in the pot and when she leaves (very occasionally), the male takes over but the female comes back quickly also shes very bright in colour? From...
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    the female still shakes and shows off are they likely to breed?
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    this post isnt really about fish but i can only add questions on the beginners bit thats why im asking here. i cant ask about my kribensis in the cichlids section if anyone can help that would be great
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    please can someone help me and answer
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    Betta Splendens

    thier fine together. why have al of you had bad experiences my only problem is my blind cave fish keeps nipping the fighter
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    My kribensis have done all their rituals shaking and stuff but now the male shakes really badly at a cave to her. does this mean that he wants to breed now? the female has gone bright red on belly.
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    Betta Splendens

    well if it does ill just put the gouramis in my other tank which has kissing gouramis so it could keep it company.
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    Betta Splendens

    i only have one gourami now but its really shy and isnt bothering it at all if anything the otherway round
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    Betta Splendens

    hi there i just bought a betta today its looking good its swimming around more than what the others did
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    Whatcha Think?

    i would suggest that you put a bit more plants in, to give it more of a natural look and for the fish to swim in and hide and come out. but yeah it looks good!
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    Breeding Kribensis

    now i have sorted my fish out, my kribs are really showing off in front of the caves they have started really shaking and going colourfull again so how long do you think it will be before they start laying eggs and breeding?
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    Breeding Kribensis

    they should be ok then i know they are a pair because theyve done all the shaking and showing off they follow each other everywhere now. so i guess they should be ok by the way good luck! thanks
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    Breeding Kribensis

    my kribs are not spawning, which i think is because i have too many fish in the tank for them to defend their young. so i have moved pretty much all my fish now. apart from three which i couldnt catch(tetras). do you think they will breed now? (there are quite a few caves by the way). thanks
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    Guppy Fry

    i have another tank with keyhole cichlids and rams but there a platies and they are doing fine so should i release the fry in there.
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    Guppy Fry

    so do you think that it would be safe to let them out then. the only other thing is that i have a pair of kribensis that i think are breeding they chase the other fish do you think they can defend themselves at this size? thanks
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    Guppy Fry

    hi there i have guppy fry in a breeding tank. i have an angel fish aswell. people say that they eat fish the size of tetras so at what size should i let them out. they are about 2cm long i have 3 thanks