Betta Splendens


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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i have had a few of these and they havent lived very long they are trully great fish and i want them to live longer

any advise? someone said once the air outside had to be colder than the water or something that might help could you give more info]

Check out the pinned articles in the Betta section -- they should give you some good tips.

Beyond that, it's hard to know without more details. What sort of bowl/tank were you keeping your bettas in (size/number of gallons)? Was it filtered/heated? How often did you do water changes? What type of food did you use? etc. Give us some more details and I'm sure someone will be happy to help you out! :)
Check out the pinned articles in the Betta section -- they should give you some good tips.

Beyond that, it's hard to know without more details. What sort of bowl/tank were you keeping your bettas in (size/number of gallons)? Was it filtered/heated? How often did you do water changes? What type of food did you use? etc. Give us some more details and I'm sure someone will be happy to help you out! :)

its a 20gallon tank i feed them flakes and live food, i have a filter and a heater. i change 25% every month (water change). is there such a thing tat the air outside has to be colder or hotter than the water?

thanks for your comments so far;)
I always understood that the temperature of the air above the tank and the temperature of the water should be exactly the same. Any big difference in temperature - for any labyrinth fish, which gulp at the air - can make them ill.
I always understood that the temperature of the air above the tank and the temperature of the water should be exactly the same. Any big difference in temperature - for any labyrinth fish, which gulp at the air - can make them ill.

thanks for that ill give it a try. youve been a great help i really appreciate it;)

i have two gouramis and the are lybrinth fish arent they i ajusted the temp before getting them though so perhaps i should give it another go!
A heavily inbread spieces as well. Expect them to live less than your other fish - expect an average typical lifespan of 2 years (but I've seen that this can be above 5 years).

could anyone give me anymore tips? thanks for everyones help by the way youve been great!
hi there i just bought a betta today its looking good its swimming around more than what the others did
if you have it in with gouramis that will shorten it's lifespan

bettas have a very limited number of suitable tankmates, gouramis are a big nono, every betta i've ever seen in a gourami tank has been shredded to pieces.
i only have one gourami now but its really shy and isnt bothering it at all if anything the otherway round
well if it does ill just put the gouramis in my other tank which has kissing gouramis so it could keep it company.
@catxx is right. I wouldn't wait mate, honesty: I'd move them now, shy or not. :/

thier fine together. why have al of you had bad experiences my only problem is my blind cave fish keeps nipping the fighter
Maybe your choice of tankmates is the cause of your past bettas not living very long. Perhaps you could get him a place of his own and save him the stress. You don't have to pay out alot, and he'd probably live an awful lot longer.

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