Bolivian Rams


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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hi there

i have two rams and i have a few questions.

how to tell if male and female?

they are lip locking some cichlids this is breeding ritual is this the same for rams?

also how to tell if breeding (like rituals and stuff) like (kribensis shake) things like that, how to tell?
hi there

i have two rams and i have a few questions.

how to tell if male and female?

they are lip locking some cichlids this is breeding ritual is this the same for rams?

also how to tell if breeding (like rituals and stuff) like (kribensis shake) things like that, how to tell?

Hi, I'm sorry I don't feel I know enough to help you out much, but I can do this.

I've been told by some knowledgeable people what my three rams are (two females, one male).

This is the male:

And this is one of the females:

(Don't know if it helped you at all, but it might make it easier for someone to help you identify which one is which)

Oh, and lip-locking is a sign of agression. They're probably trying to figure out who's boss. Mine did that for awhile, but they seem to have settled down now.
thanks both of mine look like the bottom one but the pet shop said they were male and female. anyone know anything about the last two questions

The way to tell the difference between male and female bolivians:

Males have a pointier anal fin
Males caudal fin has really long tail filaments
Sometimes males have a yellower belly.

You can see the differencs in the pictures.

The only thing I know of for thr breeding ritual is that the female and male seek out a smooth rock to lay the eggs, then the females lays the eggs and male fertilizes...although you have two females apollo, I don't know why they would lip-lock.
does anyone who has bred rams know anything about their rituals?

or who has some a the mo?

i think my rams may be a different sort because in the tank in the shop they all were the same but they said that they were male and female the ones he got me.

LFS's aren't always right you know? Can you get a picture of the Rams? That would help us sort out if they are male or female.

If you want to get more info on breeding you should of posted this in the New World Cichlid section. I hope to breed my Bolivians (soon to be 2) also...

i will try to put pictures on but how do you do it?

also i can only put questions on beginner quesions ive already tried on african cichlids but it wont let me

To add pictures just upload them to (youll have to make a free, easy, and quick account). Then paste the IMG line when your doing a post...

To put questions in other forums, you have to validate your account. Check your e-mail you should have an email from this website that will tell you how to validate it. :)

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