Kribensis Have They Eaten The Eggs?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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i saw eggs on the top of the cave about three days ago. i looked in today and they have dissappeared apart from a couple have they hatched or been eaten? the female still goes in the cave and they are both being agressive.

in a book they sad that they hatch at third day and swim on seventh so i dont know if they have taken them somewhere, nothing else can go in the cave.

can anybody elsew give an answer thanks
Well, the parents (mum will be all the time, male will be patrolling) will be with the fry so if you can see the mum and dad clearly swimming out in the open and not focused on anything then the eggs are probably no more. Did you clean the filter because you said in another post that it needed doing but the filter was near the cave.
no i didnt clean the filter

they have been really aggressive today actually. so they may of hatched the femaldee wont leave the cave at all and the male is outside. the book says that fry hatch on third day but arent free swimming what does this mean, they just lie on the floor, but the female is constantly there do you think that i just cant see them.
Quite frankly yes i dont think you can see them. Seeing the babies or eggs in a cave is usually a bad indication that the cave isnt protected enough but things look promising. When it says "free swimming" it means when the fry have consumed their yolk sacs and can now properly swim. When fry still have their yolk sacs they are at the "wiggle or wiggler" stage. Its called that because they just wiggle lol and hover on an object eg. the cave or floor.
ok but if they did eat them will they breed again and how long
They will defo breed again. Um 2 weeks maybe. Sometimes it can be a matter of days. Blood worm may help speed the process up, remeber shes got to make all those eggs again.
if she had eaten them then why is she in the cave 24/7? i think they are still there. otherwise she would be swimming around.
My female still gaurds the cave but she chases the male away does this mean she is protecting fry in cave?, its just that others have said that they chase the male thats why you should have dither fish (which i do have).

can anyone answer that cos i really need to know it will help
Seem like youve answered your question. Some people take the male out after fertilisation. But unless he starts attacking her or the fry leave him be.

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