Kribs Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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hi there

My kribs have laid eggs on the roof of a cave which i can see. The female keeps pecking at them is this good or bad?. Is she cleaning them or something?. I dont think she is eating them because they are all there and none are disappearing

cool, i bought 3 kribs just last week 2 female 1 male, i hope they breed, they are supposed to be quite easy, so fingers crossed.

is there any way you can get pics of the mum, dad, and eggs?

hope they hatch :D
hi thanks for your reply!

Its a bit tricky to take the photos, plus also the last time i flashed a torch in they ate the eggs so i dont really want to risk that again(camera flash).
But i will keep you posted on how i get on. They should be hatching soon this is the third day i have seen them on the roof so wil they hatch around now?

also will you see them on the floor or aree they still going to be on the roof?

i looked in my tank this morning to find most of the eggs have gone and there are wrigglers in a dip were the parents have dug out

what should i do now?
Wait until the wigglers have consumed their yolk sacs and then feed them on a diet of brineshrimp and microworms. Then advance them onto crushed flake.
They haven't come out of the cave yet i
can only just see them wriggling how long
is it till they come out they hatched this morning
once the kribs start breeding they dont stop it is brillant. i have had a male that was "servicing" 2 females at once he is a machine but now sticks with his orginal partner.
good luck with them they are great to watch when they have fry

When will they swim around the tank with their parents?

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