Guppy Fry


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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hi there

i have guppy fry in a breeding tank. i have an angel fish aswell. people say that they eat fish the size of tetras so at what size should i let them out. they are about 2cm long i have 3

so do you think that it would be safe to let them out then. the only other thing is that i have a pair of kribensis that i think are breeding they chase the other fish do you think they can defend themselves at this size?

A guppy can't defend itself against a krib at any size. However the Kribs might leave the guppys alone if the tank is big enough and well planted. If in doubt, better to keep them seperate - especially if the kribs are about to breed
i have another tank with keyhole cichlids and rams but there a platies and they are doing fine so should i release the fry in there.
can the fry not stay a little longer in the breeding tank?, if not i think they would stand a better chance in with the platys as long as there is hiding places just incase they get chased. :)

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