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  1. G

    Guppy Fys Fry!

    Well i didnt have the father i only had the mother! after about7 days she finoly passed the first baby and they all came out! them 17 days after the birth the mom died.... they are brother and sister from the same batch! :hey:
  2. G

    Guppy Fys Fry!

    Well as most of you know i had guppy fry that are about 7-8-9 month old! well i added all 10 babys into the 20 gallon with my "2 gorumis,5zebra danios, cat fish, alge eater, and frog," well i just notist ONE of the guppys is fat and is much bigger than the other guppys....... she has a gravid...
  3. G


    Hey i just got a Micky Mouse platty today!
  4. G

    People Pictures

    WOW your hott!!! :rolleyes:
  5. G

    blue Gouramis

    hum....... i dont know if i will yet!?!?! -_-
  6. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    yeah but he just got a new cage.. and he is a really really mean bird... you try to take him out he will screech and bite your finger really hard!!! and i dont really like when you hang a bird from the cealing b/c what if the chane or the screw came out of the celing?or even broke? ....... i...
  7. G

    Pictures of my new Betta

    oOo i just read your last betta died! i am sooooooooooooooo sorry! and congrats on your new betta boy!
  8. G


    well if a web site sead that then yeah it is true! here let me get a really helpfull site for you to use!: now this site says it life span is 2 years!
  9. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    ok i will. and i live in the us : Illinois and i would get it from petsmart and they arent really good taken care of so they would be cheap..... :D and i would be SAVEING a bettas life!
  10. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    oOo i love those you showed me! dont werry i still have betta pelits from my last 2 bettas! :D hum.... i guess i could buy a tank for 7-8 dollers! how much are bettas? like 1-2 dollers?
  11. G

    Pictures of my new Betta

    WOW he is gorgy! i am going to petsmart tonight to get more fish and i am going to get a betta also!
  12. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    No money is not the problem, its space in my room! i have a 5 gallon tank for 2 mollys and 10 guppy fry babys i have a 20g for the rest of my fish like gouramis and zebra danios and guppys then on a diff dresser: A bird cage with a bird crickets for the toad and a fish tank with a fire belly...
  13. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    well can you show me pics and tell me how much it would cost?
  14. G

    blue Gouramis

    what are corys?
  15. G

    dwarf gourmais

    ge looks just like mine but mine is a bit more reder! and mine has a lil poityer dorsil fin! :D
  16. G

    blue Gouramis

    Hi Inchworm, well i cant really tell on those b/c thats not the kind of gouramis i have! this is the gouramis i have! One of mine is blueish with a tad bit of red on his fins and the other is red with a tad bit of blue on his fins! if you can tell me what sex the gourami is up there i...
  17. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    hum.... i think i will get a one gallon or some thing but i dont think i can get 2 b/c my dad wont let me! :( EDIT: how about this tank for a betta? i have one at home now but all 10 two moth old babys are in it for a water change of there tank! sooo. would it be ok?
  18. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    i am thinking about just puting it in a little tank for them! but i might buy a little bigger one for it also!
  19. G

    gravid spot/male guppy!?!?

    wow really! but what do you think he is a mix of? the spot is sorta comeing back! :unsure:
  20. G

    zebra danio

    what do you think?
  21. G

    All you betta lovers shall be HAPPY!

    i have read ALL your posts and seen alot of LOVELY pics of your bettas and i am thinking about getting one today well i am at petsmart getting my other fish! :D what do you think?
  22. G

    A Dwarf Gourami variety

    Me or Guppymonky?
  23. G

    Pregnant Guppy not eating

    oOo its ok.... all 10 babys have the mommys personality... i never knew who the fater was!?!?! well glad to hear bout your new females!i am going to look right now oOo now i only have 2 male guppys b/c one of them died today! sooo... later me and my dad are going to take it back and get a new...
  24. G

    A Dwarf Gourami variety

    i think they are the same! maybe not b/c i might go to petsmart today sooo i will look! well i think i have a flame dworf gourami and i also have a neon dworf gourami!! :D
  25. G

    gravid spot/male guppy!?!?

    ok, but now it went away! :unsure:
  26. G

    How Big Can Bettas Get?

    ok never mind hes not as big as a sheet of paper! but he is a big betta!! :lol:
  27. G

    blue Gouramis

    [ ] is that how pointed a dworf goumaris dorsil fin would be also? or any other male gouramis dorsil fin would be? B/C MINE ARNT AS POINTED AS THAT PIC SHOWS!
  28. G

    2 for fish of the month

    The movies! lol :lol:
  29. G

    Pregnant Guppy not eating

    i'm sorry for your loss! i give my hopes for the new fish to servive and have helthy fry! STORY TIME i wouldnt wery b/c i got a guppy very very into her preg and 2 days later a little tale was sticking out! but i got really worryed b/c it took 7 days to diliver all 13 fry! sad to say she died...
  30. G

    zebra danio

    Well it seems like they are still getting chased but it looks like one of the smaller ones has gotten fatter! do you think it is pregy? how long till she has the eggs? will they servive if i keep them in the comunity tank? i dont have any more tanks to keep babys!
  31. G

    mysterious... and scary

    awwwww he is gorgy!!!! i :wub: him!!! EDIT: um.... wrong post!! sorry!
  32. G

    gravid spot/male guppy!?!?

    ok, today i looked at all my fish really closely and they all seem fine! but i saw one of my MALE guppys had a gravid spot { he never had a black spot there be for} i dont have any female guppys and i know it is a male becouse hes got more coloring than a female and he had what we could call...
  33. G

    D. Gouramis and Danios?

    yeah i have a 20g and 3 zebra danios and 2 male dworf gouramies! they seem to be fine together~! i also have 3 male guppys!
  34. G

    I hope someone can help!

    Hum...... i want to know also!!!! i just got 3 zebras also! um...... how do you tell the gender?
  35. G

    Help plssss

    how long ago did you get the tank? how big is the tank? did you let the tank cycle for like 6 months? i wouldnt get more fish just yet!
  36. G

    zebra danio

    yeah i read the were schooling fish so thats why i got the to new smaller ones! but hopfully soon my parents will take me to petsmart and let me get some more fish for my 20g! i already have 8 fish in it already!
  37. G

    zebra danio

    i did a fishless cycle! and yes it is done cycleing -_-
  38. G

    zebra danio

    yes they have plants and rocks to hide in but it seems they wont hide! and i dont think my petsmart takes back fish inless they died in about 13-14 days max! :/
  39. G

    How old is your betta?

    the norm life span for a betta is 2-3 years of age! :D she must have ben takeing very very good care of her 8 year old betta! :unsure:
  40. G

    The New Bettas

    awwwww hes cute! were did you get him? petsmart doesnt sell hotty ones like them!!! why? :lol: