Guppy Fys Fry!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2003
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Well as most of you know i had guppy fry that are about 7-8-9 month old! well i added all 10 babys into the 20 gallon with my "2 gorumis,5zebra danios, cat fish, alge eater, and frog," well i just notist ONE of the guppys is fat and is much bigger than the other guppys....... she has a gravid spot like all the rest of the females...... is she preg? and would the fry be mutated because she mated with her brothers?
Not sure. It would probably take more inbreeding in fish to get serious deformities. Plus they are probably her half-brothers, unless of course you have only one adult male. A lot of aquarium fish fron LPSs are line-bred (bred back to their own fathers) so it should be ok so long as it doesn't go on continually. HTH :)
Well i didnt have the father i only had the mother! after about7 days she finoly passed the first baby and they all came out! them 17 days after the birth the mom died.... they are brother and sister from the same batch! :hey:

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