zebra danio


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2003
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ok about a week ago i went out to stock my new 20g fish tank..... i bout 4 fish that day '1 zebra danio, 2 guppys, 1 dworf gouramie' they seem to dont fine in the tank so 2 days ago i went and bout 1 more gouramie 1 more guppy and 2 more zebra danio 'much smaller' well they are much smaller than the one i originaly had soo i let the bag float for 20 mins then let all the fish swim and meat each other...well it seems my original zebra danio wants to nip and chase the new ones! yeah they are much smaller then him but what should i do?

Have some patience. When people think they can help, they will answer.

Do the smaller zebras have anywhere to hide, like plants or roots? If so, let them be for a while and hopefully the older one will calm down. Just keep a close eye on them and if it looks like the old one is getting too dangerous, take him or the two new ones back. If that's what you have to do (hopefully things won't go that far), get some more that are about the same size as the ones you already have.
Hi guppy molly lover,

My advice here would normally be to add some more zebra danios. They're shoaling fish and very active; chasing one another is not at all unusual for them, but you'd like to spread it around to more fish. The reason I hesitate to suggest you do this is because I'm wondering if your tank is cycled? Did you do a fishless cycle or cycle it with fish before adding the gourami, guppies and danios last week? If your tank isn't cycled yet, I definitely wouldn't add any more fish. I'd be very shocked if the larger danio actually inflicted any harm on the smaller ones; he may be stressing them somewhat if the chasing is relentless, though. As Morrgan said, make sure there are some plants or hiding spots of some sore; this may help. If your tank is fully cycled, add some more danios. If not, I'd wait it out and add more when your tank is cycled.
Morrgan said:
Have some patience. When people think they can help, they will answer.

Do the smaller zebras have anywhere to hide, like plants or roots? If so, let them be for a while and hopefully the older one will calm down. Just keep a close eye on them and if it looks like the old one is getting too dangerous, take him or the two new ones back. If that's what you have to do (hopefully things won't go that far), get some more that are about the same size as the ones you already have.
yes they have plants and rocks to hide in but it seems they wont hide! and i dont think my petsmart takes back fish inless they died in about 13-14 days max! :/
AquaNut said:
Hi guppy molly lover,

My advice here would normally be to add some more zebra danios. They're shoaling fish and very active; chasing one another is not at all unusual for them, but you'd like to spread it around to more fish. The reason I hesitate to suggest you do this is because I'm wondering if your tank is cycled? Did you do a fishless cycle or cycle it with fish before adding the gourami, guppies and danios last week? If your tank isn't cycled yet, I definitely wouldn't add any more fish. I'd be very shocked if the larger danio actually inflicted any harm on the smaller ones; he may be stressing them somewhat if the chasing is relentless, though. As Morrgan said, make sure there are some plants or hiding spots of some sore; this may help. If your tank is fully cycled, add some more danios. If not, I'd wait it out and add more when your tank is cycled.
i did a fishless cycle! and yes it is done cycleing -_-
Well then try adding 3 - 5 more zebra danios. I bet that will help. :nod:
AquaNut said:
Well then try adding 3 - 5 more zebra danios. I bet that will help. :nod:
yeah i read the were schooling fish so thats why i got the to new smaller ones!
but hopfully soon my parents will take me to petsmart and let me get some more fish for my 20g! i already have 8 fish in it already!
Well it seems like they are still getting chased but it looks like one of the smaller ones has gotten fatter!
do you think it is pregy?
how long till she has the eggs?
will they servive if i keep them in the comunity tank?
i dont have any more tanks to keep babys!
Zebras often spawn in a community tank, they breed really very easily. Unless you take the fish out, the eggs will be eaten. Even in a thickly planted tank, if any hatch, the fry will be eaten. If you want to breed fish, you really need to have breeding/nursery tank(s).
u should have got them the same size coz the bigger ones will bully the smaller... let the rest answer
When adding new fish, I like to rearrange the tank. If that's not possible, could you take the larger danio out, place him in a breeder net for a day or two, then reintoduce him to the tank? This may give the newbies a chance to establish turf, then the larger will be the 'new' boy.
Zebras lay eggs. They could have them for a long time until a male comes along and squeezes them out. My biggest female that I've had for two years chases the ones I've had for 6 months sometimes. But males will also chase females. They will squeeze the females belly and she will release eggs and the male will come over and fertalize them. They get eaten most of the time though.

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