D. Gouramis and Danios?

Velvet AciD

New Member
Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I have a 10G with 3 pairs of various types of Danio. I've been thinking of getting a male Dwarf Gourami, would the Danios bother him too much? Or should I even try it at all?
I think it's usually recommended to keep Gouramis with peaceful fish. I don't know for sure, but, personally, owning both Danios and a Gourami (in separate tanks at the moment), I'd say that the lively Danios might bother the Gourami somewhat, especially in a 10 gallon tank. But, again, I'm not an expert on this :).
i've got a 20gal
and i have 4 zebra danios and 2 honey dwarf gouramis (not sure if they're actually called honey)
they seem to get along just fine.
they mind their own business, i find that the danios bother each other more than anything else!
pnKroK said:
i've got a 20gal
and i have 4 zebra danios and 2 honey dwarf gouramis (not sure if they're actually called honey)
they seem to get along just fine.
they mind their own business, i find that the danios bother each other more than anything else!
yeah i have a 20g and 3 zebra danios and 2 male dworf gouramies!

they seem to be fine together~! i also have 3 male guppys!
Danios grow to 2 inches or more, so your three pairs means at least 12 inches in a 10 gal. I'd be a bit worried about overcrowding. Might be alright if you have a lot of live plants though.

I also agree with Sinuhe, in thinking that the lively danios could bother the more calm gourami.
in a larger tank, like a 20 gal, it might work, but i wouldn't recommend it in your 10. d. gouramis can get stressed out by overly active fish (such as danios). you could try it, see if it works for you (d. gouramis seem to really vary in personality and reactions from fish to fish, so who know, you might just get lucky), but you may end up having to take the dg back.....................
I'd say, that if you really want one, take Many_A_Molly's advice and get one to give a "test run" for a week or so. If it doesn't seem to be working, you could just return it to the store. However, I will say that in my case I got lucky and have 6 Zebra Danios and a Dwarf Gourami in a 10 gallon tank. They get along great, the Dwarf is one of my very favorite fish - he's such a character. :D
Well Velvet AciD,

I have 3 zebra danios and 1 male flame gourami( a kind of a dwarf gourami) and they have gotten along fine since the day I got my gourami. I'm going to get another Dwarf Gourami on Saturday so I'll keep you posted and I'll tell you if it is okay to maybe get two. But 1 should be fine for now! :thumbs:
mike777- Maybe you didn't see my reply to another post of yours where you said you were gettin another male, but I think this is very important so I'm going to reply again:

May I suggest you don't get another dwarf? I know many people, besides having the experience myself, that have had 2 aggressive dwarf gourami males. They've VERY closely related to bettas, and anyone in fish knows you can't have two male bettas together. This is almost ALWAYS the case with dwarf gouramis. Please, please don't just take a chance to "see" if they're aggressive. They will be...! You'll just end up with an injured fish eventually, and if not injured, they'll at least be stressed. Reconsider your desicion, for the fish. Thanks.
Sorry but you really can't get another gourami because you already have one Dwarf male. Unless you can find a female dwarf, you're stuck. I know you want one, but you have to trust me - it's just not worth having them beat on each other the whole time. I thought it might be ok, but I finally had to buy another tank to seperate my boys. Just doesn't work, I'm sorry. Maybe you could get another small tank and put another dwarf male in there? That's the only option I can think of.
Velvet, the problem with two male dwarf gouramis is due mainly to your tanks size. I have two males in my 42 gal. and although they take turns chasing each other they are fine but I don't think 10 gal. would be enough room.

Mike, if you have a fairly large tank you won't have any real problems with two dwarfs...at least that's been my experience.

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