

Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
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the mitten state
my platies wont breed i have 2 girls and 1 boy. it is a blue coral male and female platy and the other platy i dont know but is a mickey mouse. Ive had the bluecorals for about 2 months now and the mickey mouse for 1 month but they just wont breed! :no:
If you've had them for over a month and they are mature and you have some females I see no reason for them not to breed - did you see them becoming pregnant and swelling up ? Perhaps they ate their fry :look:
well i think one had fry but not sure for the pst few weeks fry have beeen popping up like crazy so i cant tell.srry
infant340 said:
well i think one had fry but not sure for the pst few weeks fry have beeen popping up like crazy so i cant tell.srry
umm, call me crazy but i believe that fry popping up like crazy is a sign theyre breeding........................ :rolleyes:
whats the problem then?
I have the same prob

I have had my platies for 1 month and no signs of pregnancies
I know for sure if there were fry because I have a pretty empty tank
oh, i see, the fry may be from the swords and not the platies. didn't realize you had swords too. unclear. strange they haven't started breeding. they do take some time to get settled into a new tank but i should think its been long enough. what temperature do you keep the tank at? though someones having fry so thats probably not an issue. give them more time. um, are you certain you have 2 females and a male?
yep im surebcuz the male doest have a big anal fisn and the others do but soon i will just get another male or another female to even it out a lil
Platties are the most individual livebearers i've ever seen (or my dad has, for that matter) i've kept Guppies and Swords in the past and they were all the same; the females were lunky and stuck together, the males were too 'enthusiastic'. the Platties i own now are completely different; i have one male who either can't or won't breed, and another who's got that on his mind constantly. i've got two Girlies that wanna have fry, one that doesn't.

adding to their numbers might help, you may get a female your boy now likes, and a male your girl now likes. or maybe they're just eating all their babies!

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