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  1. M

    Fish Swimming In Corkscrew Motion

    they dnt always die from it, i had a zebra danio that was like it for a few days, he was bitten by the other danios and even lost an eye, i thought he was gone for sure, but he survived and hes grown big, hes the only one left now!!!
  2. M

    Can't Find Bettas

    i know they get there stock in on a wed, ready to sell for the weekend, and i usually go in on weds to see what will be available, but they just dnt seem to stock them anymore, bit dissapointing really :(
  3. M

    Can't Find Bettas

    yeah my local maidenhead havnt had any for agees!! they did about 6-7 months ago!! and they were gorgeous, i asked to reserve one, and they said no :( id prefer to see them before i buy them, iv thought about online, but id rather have them there and then!!! might have to at this rate...
  4. M

    Can't Find Bettas

    since joining this forum last week iv decided to get a Betta (or 2 or 3, u get the idea!!) but iv been to my 4 lfs, and nota thing to be found!!! its so frustrating, i was gona spend my days off looking at and purchasing a Betta or 2!!! anyone else have this trouble? :angry:
  5. M

    New Boy From Synirr

    i reckon tic-tac cuz he's small and sweet!!!! :D
  6. M


    yeah, hes not grown too big yet, but i will eventually, hes currwntly 3" but iv been told hel grow a lot bigger, thats why im suprised they sold him to me!!! but im looking to upgrade when i move house, so hopefully wnt need to get rid of him, even though i think it may be batter for the corys!!
  7. M


    il go shopping tommorrow then, he seems fine in himself though, so just thought it was a bit odd. Thanks for the help Wilder :good:
  8. M


    theve stopped me buying some fish, but i think its just certain people who work there, but hey you live and learn!!!
  9. M


    thanks wilder, il have a look at that site when i get home and can sort it out, hes never had a problem in the year and a half iv had him, hes been through the wars , was attacked by kribs the day i got himn, his angel friend was ripped to shreds and died :( he was ripped to shreds and i...
  10. M


    maidenhead aquatics, iv found them really good for some things, but a bit misleading for others, they said hed b a small community fish, who would behave well with others, and solve the algae problem i was having, hes done none of those things!!
  11. M


    the swines, my lfs isnt turning out to be as good as i was told it was, tis a shane that, hes a sweet little thing to :(
  12. M


    My flying fox (which iv been told will grow to big for my tank) has become a bit of a bully he was fine to start with but now he see,s to attack all of my cory's esp at feeding time, hel just go after which ever ones eating scare them away, take there food, then just leave the food and go for...
  13. M


    il have to check when i get home (at work!!) but just thinkin about it, i dnt remember seeing any red at all, and it can only really be seen when hes facing me, if i look from the side its hard to see, cud it be just the way hes grown???!!!
  14. M


    it doesnt llok overly fluffy, it looks like a ptch of white, but he seems fine, eatin fine swimmin fine, lookin gorgeous, none of my other fish have it or seem to be ill in any way.
  15. M


    My largest angel fish has what looks to me like a fungus growth on his head, whats the easiest way to cure it (if any) he had it about a month ago, and i bought sum meds, put that in, and it seemed to clear up, but its come back. did i not use enough meds??? Please help, hes my little darlin'
  16. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    well its always hot im my house cuz weve got lizards and his heater is always on up around the 90f mark, but its down a bit at night, so it warms the room more than ud think, im hoping this would keep it warm enough for a betta, what do u think?
  17. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    yep it is 7pm, gd old shift work means im here until 11pm, yay!!!!
  18. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    hey im at work 2!!! its gd to slack off, much more important things to be doing on here!! :)
  19. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    every comments appreciated, thanks alot, maybe i wnt go tryin to breed right now. But thats definately something id be interested in, sounds like gd fun. If u werent here Chrissi id be lost by now, in my crazy little world Thanks :good:
  20. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    i wnt neglect them dnt worry, i do regular water changes on my larger tank, in between feeding and cleaning my birds, and feeding, cleaning bathing and handling my lizard. im suprised iv got time to go to work anymore!!! are they relatively easy to breed? cuz that wud also interest me
  21. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    sounds good 2me, kinda sounds like lookin after a gd ol goldfish bowl really!!! i never knew bettas were so easy!!! i wud of had them sooner!! Thanks Chrissi :D
  22. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    i already upgraded once to a 30gal, iv got a spare 20gal not being used, but was looking to breed sumthing in that one. il have to go to the supermarket and see what i can find!!! should i use water from my current tank to fill smaller tanks for new bettas, or can i use fresh water and put...
  23. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    so i can use my old food containers then lol!! i never knew than, i used to have one in my old tank, but that ended in disaster, i was a nebie to fish and the LFS sold me a betta and tiger barbs at the same time, dumbass!! well this has intrigued me now, i may look in to havin a few bettas...
  24. M

    Am I Being Stupid?

    it may be me, bein a complete mongoose, but most of the pics of the bettas on here show them in small unfiltred bowls, can they live like this? or do they need filter, heater etc, cuz i would love to have 2+ different bettas, but have no room in my tank, and i know u can only have one male. Any...
  25. M

    Algae Go Away!

    id agree with that, a scrubbing pad, much like the one used to clean my dishes!! scrub with the scour side, wipe clean with the sponge, works a treat on the whole tank *sparkle sparkle* :)
  26. M

    Spare Tank

    i was thinking possibly about breeding sumthing, but whats quite easy to breed, i know theres guppies and platys, but i want sumthin exciting (not that theres anything wrong with the above mentioned!!!!) maybe a croc, or killer whale?
  27. M

    Spare Tank

    Iv got a spare tank 24"x15"x15" and its just sat in the spare room after i upgraded. what cud i put in it? id like sumthin a little different, iv got corys angels tetras and loaches in my other. any suggestions? :good:
  28. M


    well me and the girlfriend are looking for a house at the mo, as soon as we get that il quite happily get a tank to fit all of them in, were in a flat at the moment, so we cant really get a bigger one quite yet. but u say a 56g, il remember that when we upgrade, and tell her we cant get...
  29. M


    he is, his names zebby one eye!! the thing that gets me is, the tank doesnt look overstocked, the corys are all pretty small, so i just never though that it cud b overstocked, not until i joined tff anyway!!!
  30. M


    the largest tank is 48"x 15"x 18" one angel is big, hes 1 1/2 years old, other not so big at the mo. There were 5danios originally, but they died :(his ones a fighter tho, hes had swim bladder, and he got attacked and has only one eye, hes never gona die!!
  31. M


    i have been told many a time my tank is overstocked, and i know this to be true, so id like some advice from you lovely people. i bought them all for the same place, and they are supposed to be really good, but i told them tank size, amount of fish etc, and they never said stop!!! all of the...
  32. M

    Sick Tetras

    i know i know, i was bought my tank ages ago, and had no knowledge of fish really!! it was worse, they were in a smaller tank originally, bout half the size, im looking to upgrade again soon, but havent got the money right now!! theyve been in this one for about 8-9 months, i havnt had any...
  33. M

    Sick Tetras

    when you say swimming funny, how do u mean? is it just flying around uncontrollably? it could possibly be swim bladder, i had that problem with a few of my little guys, and only one made it :(
  34. M

    Hi Everybody

    Just thought id say hi to all you veterans of tff, im mark, 19 from bristol, england, and iv just signed up, so hi!!! :D if iv set this up right it should show my tank and its contents below!!! its a year and a half old now, and i love each and every one of my little fishies!!!