Sick Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2005
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My red serpae and lemon tetras are slowly dying.
There bellies begin to shrink and the take on an oblong shape instead of the round shape.
They then begin to have trouble swimming. Then the die after about week. They have been in my 90 gallon tank for almost a year. My Rasboras, Congo tetras, hatchetts and catfish are unaffected.
Any Ideas ? Parasites ? I have lost 7 fish in the last month.
HELP !!!!!!!

sounds sort of like what i have in my tanks right now. Im suspecting Fish Tuberculosis. ( not sure, just a suggestion though)
when you say swimming funny, how do u mean? is it just flying around uncontrollably? it could possibly be swim bladder, i had that problem with a few of my little guys, and only one made it :(
Only one fish is sick at a time. It will shimmy near the suface but not gulp any air , They swim at 45 Degree angle with heads pointing UP not Down.
This only affects my red serpaes & lemons not my rasboras or hatchets.
I have 8 BEAUTIFUL Congo Tetras and do want them to get sick !!!!
I will try to get a picture when i get home.

HELP !!!!!
when you say swimming funny, how do u mean? is it just flying around uncontrollably? it could possibly be swim bladder, i had that problem with a few of my little guys, and only one made it :(

I've been told my tank is slightly overstocked - I've had a look a your stock and you've got way more than me! I'm a beginner, so out of interest who's advised you on your stock levels?
I agree mark your tank is way overstocked, plus clown laoches and flying foxes need very large tanks, clown loaches need 90gal as they grow, that tank size will stress them out.
i know i know, i was bought my tank ages ago, and had no knowledge of fish really!! it was worse, they were in a smaller tank originally, bout half the size, im looking to upgrade again soon, but havent got the money right now!! theyve been in this one for about 8-9 months, i havnt had any trouble yet with it!!! just dnt have the heart to get rid of any, i love em all!!!

wat size tank would u suggest i did get? i dnt wana get rid of any of my fish, but i dnt want them to be ill, stressed, or even die :-(
No less than a 75gal at the moment with having the clown loaches.

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