

New Member
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Bristol, England
i have been told many a time my tank is overstocked, and i know this to be true, so id like some advice from you lovely people. i bought them all for the same place, and they are supposed to be really good, but i told them tank size, amount of fish etc, and they never said stop!!! all of the listed (il list in a mo) are in my 30G tank, but i have a spare 20G tank, if i split them, would these 2tanks be enough to house these fish?

Heres the list:

2x Angels (1silver, 1koi)
2x Red Rainbows
3x Clown loach
3x Bronze cory
1x Albino cory
2x Brochis splendens
2x Julii cory
2x Peppered Cory
2x Penguin Tetra
1x Zebra Danio
6x X-Ray Tetra
2x Plec (one 2" one 6")
1x Siamese Flying Fox
1x Golden Gourami
1x Bengal Loach

I don't want to get rid of any of them, so any advice would be very very helpful!!
i would say overstocked.

what are the dimensions of the tank?

how big are all the fish ? this will show how long the tank could stay like that even though it shouldn't really.

im no fish expert others will give you more accurate information...

plecs will grow huge
angels need a far bigger tank
zebra danios prefer to be in groups of thier own kind

get the 20G cycling now as when these fish start to reach adult hood there will be little room for them all

all the best :good:
the largest tank is 48"x 15"x 18"

one angel is big, hes 1 1/2 years old, other not so big at the mo.

There were 5danios originally, but they died :(his ones a fighter tho, hes had swim bladder, and he got attacked and has only one eye, hes never gona die!!
he is, his names zebby one eye!!

the thing that gets me is, the tank doesnt look overstocked, the corys are all pretty small, so i just never though that it cud b overstocked, not until i joined tff anyway!!!
i work your tank out to be 56g?

the angels need a tank that is at least 18inches tall for proper growth.

any info. on the plecs? what sort are they?

in a few years the clown loaches will out grow the tank aswel.

well me and the girlfriend are looking for a house at the mo, as soon as we get that il quite happily get a tank to fit all of them in, were in a flat at the moment, so we cant really get a bigger one quite yet. but u say a 56g, il remember that when we upgrade, and tell her we cant get anymore!!

the plecs i think are common plec, one iv had for over a year, and he hasnt really grown at all, the other is about 6" but he hasnt grown since we got him either, so i dnt know if hes fully grown? or not?!?

the tank is 18" tall, so the angel should be ok, all the fish seem happy, so i never thought it would be a problem
common plecos get to be 18 inches ... possibly bigger
and can survive for about 20 years..

and they are major poop machines so i hope u have a gravel vac

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