

New Member
Jun 6, 2006
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Bristol, England
My flying fox (which iv been told will grow to big for my tank) has become a bit of a bully

he was fine to start with but now he see,s to attack all of my cory's esp at feeding time, hel just go after which ever ones eating scare them away, take there food, then just leave the food and go for the next fish, they are constantly getting nipped, and i just dnt know what to do???
the swines, my lfs isnt turning out to be as good as i was told it was, tis a shane that, hes a sweet little thing to :(
maidenhead aquatics, iv found them really good for some things, but a bit misleading for others, they said hed b a small community fish, who would behave well with others, and solve the algae problem i was having, hes done none of those things!!
theve stopped me buying some fish, but i think its just certain people who work there, but hey you live and learn!!!
yeah, hes not grown too big yet, but i will eventually, hes currwntly 3" but iv been told hel grow a lot bigger, thats why im suprised they sold him to me!!! but im looking to upgrade when i move house, so hopefully wnt need to get rid of him, even though i think it may be batter for the corys!!

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