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    Private Messages

    Same here as well
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    Uae Diving

    Ok technically some of these may not be non-fish photographs, but either way I thought they may be of interest. I am living out in Abu Dhabi now and seem to spend most weekends under the water. Some of these are from around Abu Dhabi whilst others are from Fujairah.
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    My New Plecs

    Simon you didn't :sad: Although good to see he has grown, and I'm sure he will be well looked after :thumbs:
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    Here are a few of my pics
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    Australia? Any Ex Pats Out There For Advice?

    Simon, Obviously you know I am about to leave blighty (fly to Abu Dhabi next Friday). A good place to start would be this forum Have a search through first, as they can be a bit prickly if people ask the same old questions that have been...
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    Got Some New Corys. Bronze With Red Sheen

    Here it has the common name Goldflash In this one it does not Pretty sure they are both schultzei
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    Got Some New Corys. Bronze With Red Sheen

    The two on the left are definitely this one Simon, afterwards I found another four Corys, as well as four Otos. Not sure where they were hiding.
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    Got Some New Corys. Bronze With Red Sheen

    Some of them will be Goldflash and the others were Corydoras venezuelanus
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    A Few Of My Pics

    The first lot are pics of some orchids (my girlfriend has about 60 of them).
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    Has anyone looked at using these low energy bulbs in a aquarium set up. My OH has just ordered some for her orchids, and it got me wondering about how viable they might be for aquarium use. Link is here They appear to kick out an awful lot of light when compared to standard tubes, although I...
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    Fish Pics From Saudi Arabia

    I have been to Taba Heights a number of times, the beach off the Hyatt is the best for snorkeling. Depending on the time of year, you can pretty much see everything. Large stingrays, turtles, dolphins, clownfish, lionfish., Barracuda etc. I have some pics from there taken just whilst...
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    Fish Pics From Saudi Arabia

    Well I was working there for 3 months, but only managed to arrange a dive trip towards the end in Jeddah. Got five dives in over two days. First days were 20m+ dives from a boat, and the last day were only down to about 12m shore diving, but tbh saw more fish from the shore than from the boat...
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    Rogue Pet Gallery

    Here are a few pics of our two cats, Thaisun is the brown Burmese and Louis is a Chocolate point Siamese.
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    Post Your Macro Fish Pics

    Colombian Tetra Fry
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    Fish Pics From Saudi Arabia

    Thanks for all of the comments. Did the last batch, although they are of a somewhat more dubious quality.
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    Fish Pics From Saudi Arabia

    Thanks for the comments folks. I do have more, took about 175 in total. Still sorting through them and disposing those that aren't much cop. However, just a few more..... A Greasy Grouper Checkerboard wrasse Various other pics Royal Angelfish Fairy Basslets Hawkfish
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    Fish Pics From Saudi Arabia

    Well I have been out of the country for a few months working in Saudi Arabia, whilst there I was fortunate enough to get a bit of diving in. The reefs are virgin and mostly untouched with lots of fish. Enjoy the pics. The Ann Ann Wreck Looking at the reef lip Emperor Angel Moses Sole...
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    Can U Buy Stuff To Speed Up The Cycle

    Tetra Safestart is essentially Biospira. Tetra and Marineland Labs are both owned by Spectrum Brands who are now using Tetra to sell Biospira in Europe as Safestart. It worked for me.
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    Locating Amano Shrimp

    World of Water on the road to Blackpool often have them. Also Aqualife near Leyland/Chorley often have them as well.
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    Tetra Safestart?

    Have used Safestart and it worked for me. Two weeks later I now have Apisto fry being herded around by a proud mother. Make sure you shake the bottle, I also dosed with ammonia for a few days instead of adding fish to make sure it was working. Didn't really want to take a chance on £90 worth...
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    Starting A New Tank?

    Regarding Tetra Safestart, I managed to get some shipped over from Germany just about two weeks ago. I dosed the tank on the Monday evening and added ammonia, Tuesday morning levels had dropped. Added more Ammonia, Wednesday morning levels had dropped again so I had 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm Nitrite...
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    Cycling Speed Go!

    Two days!! I used the new Tetra Safestart and had no spikes. Would have been quicker but I wanted to check with ammonia before adding any fish.
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    My New L128 Blue Phantom

    He is about 3" at the moment. They can grow to about 7.5"
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    My New L128 Blue Phantom

    I picked him up from Pier Aquatics last week for £20. Tannins in the water make him look a bit green but his spots are bright blue in clear water.
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    New Tank Setup

    Thanks for all the kind comments, no Rainbows though as trying to keep the fish to strictly S. American, with a Venezuelan slant. My girlfriend managed to take some pics of the L128, I know it looks a bit green in the pics but he is definitely a Blue Phantom. Its the yellow tannic water that...
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    Tetra Safestart!

    Quick update. The Safestart arrived on Monday and thus I dosed the tank with it. It converted 6ppm ammonia within 24hrs with no visible nitrite spike. Topped up the ammonia again to 4ppm and this time it converted in 12 hours again with no spikes. I stocked the tank yesterday and this morning...
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    What Do Cats Do In Hot Weather?

    They lie on a towel full of frozen gel packs and enjoy the cool breeze from a fan. Grapes anyone? Another quick pic of LOuis viewing my newly setup tank.
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    Electric Blue Jacks

    They had a tank full of these In Pier Aquatics Wigan, very cool fish and was very tempted to get some. Unfortunately they would eat allof my cardinals.
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    New Tank Setup

    Well due to a move recently I decided to strip my tank and start again. Finally after having little movement with my fishless cycling I had some Tetra Safestart sent over from Germany and hey presto within two days my tank was converting 6ppm ammonia within 24hrs with no Nitrites. Some of the...
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    Unfortunately Tetra Safetart isn't available in the UK until later this month.I got mine on special order from Germany so that I could test it. My only worry is the high temps we have had recently, may have impacted on the Nitrospira bacteria in the bottle. Have dosed the canister filter...
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    I have actually received Tetras Safestart product this morning to test so I am going to dose my tank with it tonight and see how long it takes to cycle using Ammonia. Tetra claim it will cycle in 24 hours but we will see. Will write up a full report when done
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    Tetra Safestart!

    Marineland Labs have always claimed that you can store Biospira unrefrigerated for at least six months, its not beyond the realms of science to double this shelf life through a better chemical solution as it is 4 years after Biospira was first launched. After even more research I am more...
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    Tetra Safestart!

    Well after having no luck in blagging some free samples from Tetra UK, I have managed to track down some bottles in a retailer in Germany. How come everyone else gets stuff before us Brits? Anyway I have 200ml of the stuff on its way to me as we speak and so will hopefully be able to review it...
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    Where To Get Otos

    I actually saw a load the other day, and seeing as I only went to two LFS on Friday it should be easy to track them down. It was either Pier Aquatics at Wigan, or BAS in Bolton. I have a feeling it was BAS, and they had a lot as well.
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    Pier Aquatics - Wigan

    I shouldn't be about ease though, it should be about the welfare of the fish and using fish to cycle is cruel imho. Its not rocket science!
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    Pier Aquatics - Wigan

    I appreciate what you are saying and I'm not necessarily one for sticking a load of chemicals in my tank. But things do move on and fishless cycling is a positive move as far as I can see, especially for the fish. I come from the school that fishkeeping is 80% water management, the fish...
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    Pier Aquatics - Wigan

    Well I decided to pop along to Pier Aquatics this afternoon as I had heard good things about it. Well fish wise the place is great with some really great South American species. Lots of very interesting plecs and some stunning Apistos. I was feeling really positive about the place , but then I...
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    Tetra Safestart!

    Well I have done some investigation, and found out some interesting things. Biospira is manufactured by Marineland Labs. Marineland Labs are owned by Aquaria Group. Aquaria Group have recently purchased TetraAqua (formerly known as Tetra). From August the manufacture of Biospira will be taken...
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    Tetra Safestart!

    Just received the following from Tetra UK "TetraAqua SafeStart offers fishkeepers a trouble-free way to enjoy a new aquarium and gets your fish off to a healthy start. Available from July 2006, it is a patented blend of live nitrifying bacteria that allows the safe and instant introduction of...
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    Tetra Safestart!

    Does anyone know when this product is going to be released in the UK? Tetra are claiming it is a non-refrigerated version of Biospira and provides immediate maturation of your aquarium. Actually I may send off an email to Tetra to get more information.