

Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Hi, wanting to cycle my 32G, but im unsure what to cycle it with...
this is because im keeping a Marbled Bichir, so i cant use small thing like Danios, cos theyll get eaten...
i do have 2 goldfish and a male betta though....
Do you think i could cycle it with the two goldfish?!?!?
if i did, then on the day that im getting the bichir, then id turn on the heater, but do you think the bacteria thats allready established to the cold water (for the golds) would kill off the bacteria???
if i did do that, then i would then return the golds to their tank.
Any surrgetions are very welcome.

thanks in advance, Mikey.
P.S: I could use Zebra Danios, but then use them as feeder fish for the bichir, if that would be possable, cos i dont have a tank for them to go into.
Try fishless cycling, no unwanted fish to deal with when it's done, plus a larger bacterial colony.
How do you do that, any info would be greatly appreciated, as when i bought the tank it came with pre-cycled filter sponges, so i could just go...
but ive left it too long, and so i havent read up on cycleing what-so-ever, because i wasnt planning on doing it lol.
p.s, how long does fishless cycleing take and anything else?
Cheers :good:
and if your stuck looking for ammonia boots sell thiss....

model`d by my beautiful assistant monkey.....

Im likeing the modeling :p lol.
How much is that ammonia???
Thanks ginge, i think ill do a fishless cycle, cos then its less stressfull for the fish.
Is it hard?

How long do you think it will take?
i think the amonia was 3 or 4 quid, there is a topic below that will give you all the info you need on fishless cycleing. it takes between 3 AND 5 weeks to do a fdishless cycle unless you can sourse some filter media ect from an already established tank (ask for a handfull of gravel from one of the lfsd tanks it will help)

you will all so need a master test kit to measure ammonia nitrite and nitrate

if you have any more questions pm me or post them here
Yeah, i have 2 sponges, that were used on thursday, but i didnt realise they wouldnt live for 3 days, so i cant use the bacteria from them, unfortunately.

They are in a container, with tank water etc, but ive been told i cant use them :-(
i doubt they will be of much use to tell the truth....

couldnt hurt to use them though. if not as i said try an lfs for some gravel or filter squezings :good:
Can you use gravel/water from an unfiltered tank, cos i could use some from my betta tank...

I have actually received Tetras Safestart product this morning to test so I am going to dose my tank with it tonight and see how long it takes to cycle using Ammonia.

Tetra claim it will cycle in 24 hours but we will see.

Will write up a full report when done
cycle in 24 Hours!!!
if it works (or even if it doesnt) then can you please let me know.
Thnaks, mikey
if t does then that would be great, cos i ordered my fish in for sat, cos i thought i wouldnt be cycleing it, so i need to cancel my order, but if that works then i wont....
the gravel/water from an unfilterd tank will work, as the bacteria grow on every surface in an aquarium...

and shouldn`t the betta have a filter???
Nope, not unless you do water changes often....

Nope, not unless you do water changes often....


Unfortunately Tetra Safetart isn't available in the UK until later this month.I got mine on special order from Germany so that I could test it. My only worry is the high temps we have had recently, may have impacted on the Nitrospira bacteria in the bottle.

Have dosed the canister filter directly and will test in the morning. My spare bottle is in my fridge at the moment as backup.

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