Electric Blue Jacks


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2006
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I woas curious of how many blue jacks i could put into a 55 gallon tank and is it ok to have tank mates with them. I would like to get a male a female pair and attempt to breed. If i can breed how do i tell their genders apart

You have taken up a very hard project indeed. Two blues wont nessisarily (sp) produce blue babies. Ideally you will need to breed or get hold of a female and male that both carry the blue gene. Im not a scientist so cant really explain this very well but im sure other can.

Also these blue dempseys seem to be very hard to raise. Often not getting any bigger than 6inches. Good luck and if you do get them breeding cash in quick before the hobby is flooded with them Lol.



Also note that a blue bred with a blue the fry wont last long due to genetics. You ideally need to breed a blue with a normal and then breed the fry from that batch with your male.
wow ididnt know it was that involved but hey how may fish can i safly put in a 55 o yea and how can you tell the male dempseys from the female
Not that I know of. When bigger the female should be the smaller one I think.

In a 55 I would say either 1 breeding pair or buy a group of 6 and let them pair off on their own.

i will try to find out how to tell them apart because at 30 dallors a peace that would be expensive
The only way is on size im afraid. They may have better finnage (the males) The females will be more stocky in build.

Like I say, You have picked a hard task Lol.

Might have luck buying a female regular jd, and 2 or 3 electric jds, and hope one of the electrics ends up being male.... eventually if you get a pair, you could send the other electrics on their way, and just keep the pair in the 55g.
well i bought one tonight omg he or she is so beautiful. I will try a get a pic of it later
well i bought one tonight omg he or she is so beautiful. I will try a get a pic of it later

They had a tank full of these In Pier Aquatics Wigan, very cool fish and was very tempted to get some. Unfortunately they would eat allof my cardinals.

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