Starting A New Tank?


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
There are many products on the market that state
"enables immediate stocking of new aquariums" or words to that effect.
I have taken some time to look into the variouse products that my place of work sells.

Ammovec(tm) + Nitrivec(tm)
These say to add 20ml per 100ltr (ammovec) & 10ml per 100ltr (nitrivec)
for the first day and half that amount for the following 10days
Introduce fish on the first day.
£4.95 for each bottle (100ml).
more info can be found on thier website

#14 Filter Start(tm)
doseage is 5ml per 180ltr
What it dosn't tell you is whether that is a one off dose or not.
£3.99 for a 100ml bottle.
Interpet do not have a publicly accessable website, but having checked out
the trade site, it dosn't tell you anything anyways.

The dose is 5ml per 72ltr and is advised that you use this product inconjunction
with Biomature (note; Biomature only states to dose untill NO3= 10ppm).
£3.90 will get you a 125ml bottle of Bacterlife
and an additional £3.99 will get you 100ml of biomature.
more info at

Safe Start(tm)
The dose is 5ml per 6ltr and add fish at the same time.
according to the bottle this product contains a "patented blend of the bacteria"
£8.80 for 100ml bottle.
more info at

Söll (pronounced Sole)
Bio Booster(tm)
not much info on this ATM as the packaging is in German.
I can tell you that the dosage is 10ml per 100ltr
and a 100ml bottle will cost you £5.40.

Söll are also the only UK supplier of
Bactinettes(tm), this product is the actual live nitrifying (nitrosomas sp & nitrabacter sp)
bacteria in an easy to use form.
The bacteria are kept alive in a machine via an air supply and a nutrition soloution.
there is no need for refrigeration, unlike the similar product available on the USA market.
1 dose per 60ltr at a cost of £5.49 a dose (double dose is £9.99)
More info on both of these products can be found on unfortunatly there is no english translation available
so unless you are fluent in German or use bablefish or similar, it won't be of much help.

I hope that some of you found this of interest and maybe a few international members could add
something about some of the products available to them.
how about JBL FilterStart?

anyone tried this product?
Regarding Tetra Safestart, I managed to get some shipped over from Germany just about two weeks ago.

I dosed the tank on the Monday evening and added ammonia, Tuesday morning levels had dropped. Added more Ammonia, Wednesday morning levels had dropped again so I had 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm Nitrite, 30 ppm Nitrate.

Stocked the tank with a pair of Apisto Agazzizi Double Red, a L128 plec, 10 corys, 5 otos, and 21 neon/cardinal tetra mix.

I have had no spikes of any kind since, and after worrying that my female Agazzizi was looking a bit pale and never came out I discovered her herding a batch of fry at the back of the tank today. Less than two weeks after being introduced.

Not sure about anyone else but to me that's a recommendation if ever I saw one.

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