Tetra Safestart!


Fish Crazy
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Preston, UK
Does anyone know when this product is going to be released in the UK? Tetra are claiming it is a non-refrigerated version of Biospira and provides immediate maturation of your aquarium.

Actually I may send off an email to Tetra to get more information.
Just received the following from Tetra UK

"TetraAqua SafeStart offers fishkeepers a trouble-free way to enjoy a new aquarium and gets your fish off to a healthy start. Available from July 2006, it is a patented blend of live nitrifying bacteria that allows the safe and instant introduction of fish. The vision of a healthy aquarium is often what attracts new fishkeepers into the hobby but for many the first experience of setting up a tank can take time and be frustrating. TetraAqua SafeStart enables the immediate activation of the biological filter, preventing dangerous increases in ammonia and nitrite, and making it instantly enjoyable for new fishkeepers to set up an aquarium.

Chris Nickson, Marketing Manager for Tetra UK comments: “Traditionally fishkeepers have had to spend weeks slowly adding fish, and often they experience high ammonia and nitrite levels that are harmful to the health of the fish and can cause further disappointment. This is the revolutionary result of 20 years of research* that discovered this patented blend of live nitrifying bacteria that allows the safe and instant introduction of fish. No other product contains this blend and can be used with such confidence.â€￾

TetraAqua SafeStart is also beneficial to aquariums if used after filter maintenance, water changes and other activities that may lead to bacterial loss, offering the perfect start for long-term success.

Two sizes will be available at launch: 50ml with an RSP of £4.99 and 100ml with an RSP of £8.79. TetraAqua SafeStart has a 12 months shelf life without refrigeration."

Now I'm going to see if I can blag some free samples!!
I've used bio-spira with great success before but the only problem is getting a non-spoiled bag of it because it needs to be refrigerated. Fortunately, I've had alot of sucess at getting good bags, but if Tetra has come out with a non-refrigerated kind that'll be big business for them. I have my doubts it'll work but alot of people had their doubts about bio-spira too and it works great. So I guess we'll see soon!
I've used bio-spira with great success before but the only problem is getting a non-spoiled bag of it because it needs to be refrigerated. Fortunately, I've had alot of sucess at getting good bags, but if Tetra has come out with a non-refrigerated kind that'll be big business for them. I have my doubts it'll work but alot of people had their doubts about bio-spira too and it works great. So I guess we'll see soon!

Well I have done some investigation, and found out some interesting things.

Biospira is manufactured by Marineland Labs. Marineland Labs are owned by Aquaria Group.
Aquaria Group have recently purchased TetraAqua (formerly known as Tetra).

From August the manufacture of Biospira will be taken over by Tetra, it will still be marketed as Biospira in the US, however, Tetra will also be releasing Safestart in the US and Europe.

Thats right folk, Europe is finally getting Biospira just it will be called Tetra Safestart.

At the moment they are saying it has a shelf life of 1 year unrefrigerated which is the same claim as Biospira, I know when I get my Safestart it will be going straight into the fridge.

Hope this helps you folks out there.

Just to confirm Tetra Safestart is Biospira.
Well after having no luck in blagging some free samples from Tetra UK, I have managed to track down some bottles in a retailer in Germany.

How come everyone else gets stuff before us Brits?

Anyway I have 200ml of the stuff on its way to me as we speak and so will hopefully be able to review it by the end of the week.

Due to my low ph I am having real problems with fishless cycling my tank at the moment so it should be a good test for the Safestart when I get it.
I can't believe that Tetra would market such a product if they had not done stringent tests to make sure it works. Think of the litigation! I will be trying it for sure if I start a 2nd tank as this fishless cycling is soooooo boring, as an experiment without using bacteria from my established tank.
Just to confirm Tetra Safestart is Biospira.

sounds great if it works but where does it say that safestart is biospira?

sounds like there still 2 different products if one needs refrigerating.

Marineland Labs have always claimed that you can store Biospira unrefrigerated for at least six months, its not beyond the realms of science to double this shelf life through a better chemical solution as it is 4 years after Biospira was first launched.

After even more research I am more convinced that Safestart is a Biospira product. The parent sompany is Spectrum Brands and they see Tetra's glocal presence as the platform to launch the Biospira product (rebranded of course) throughout the world.

In the US the market is big enough to justify providing refrigerators in LFS for Biospira. They obviously don't think that is the case in Europe. Hence it is probably stored in a slightly different solution. I'm sure it will say to refrigerate it after purchase and use within 30 days as they advise in the US for Biospira.

As with most things the proof will be in the pudding, and I will see first hand if this stuff truly does work. I still intend to use it in conjunction with fishless cycling so my Ammonia bottle will not be disposed of just yet.
Quick update.

The Safestart arrived on Monday and thus I dosed the tank with it. It converted 6ppm ammonia within 24hrs with no visible nitrite spike. Topped up the ammonia again to 4ppm and this time it converted in 12 hours again with no spikes.

I stocked the tank yesterday and this morning have 0ppm ammonia and nitrite.

Therefore I conclude that it does what it says on the tin. Should be in UK shops anytime now.
Wow, I want some of that!! Currently trying to cycle my new 120 gal tank and getting very impatient!! When do you reckon we will get it here? Hopefully soon, might ask my LFS at lunchtime!!
our Tetra rep rang yesterday and said our stocks will be in on this weeks delivery, thats friday for us :)
I look forward to checking it out.
Quick update.

The Safestart arrived on Monday and thus I dosed the tank with it. It converted 6ppm ammonia within 24hrs with no visible nitrite spike. Topped up the ammonia again to 4ppm and this time it converted in 12 hours again with no spikes.

I stocked the tank yesterday and this morning have 0ppm ammonia and nitrite.

Therefore I conclude that it does what it says on the tin. Should be in UK shops anytime now.

Do you have a link to the german retailer? Might be quicker to get from them than wait for it to come out here. :)

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