Can U Buy Stuff To Speed Up The Cycle


May 30, 2006
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i want to now if u can buy stuff to speed up the cycle
has tetra got one?

would i have to use it after every water change for the rest of my life???!!!
I haven't used any of them, but general consensus is Bio-Spira is the only product that really works.

And no. They are just to get your biological filtration colony started. Water changes won't affect it.

I haven't used any of them, but general consensus is Bio-Spira is the only product that really works.

And no. They are just to get your biological filtration colony started. Water changes won't affect it.


Tetra Safestart is essentially Biospira. Tetra and Marineland Labs are both owned by Spectrum Brands who are now using Tetra to sell Biospira in Europe as Safestart.

It worked for me.
the best way to start a cycle is to:

-Get a filter sponge cutting from a friend or lfs which is cycled and disease free.

-Clone from another tank you have, take some of the spone and put it in the new tank for a while.

Doing one of the above will dramatically speed up the time your tank takes to cycle.
Unfortunately not all of us have friends who own tanks :X

And some lfs dont seem overly helpful.

I've just been to my lfs - maidenhead aquatics in cardiff - and mentioned that I was intending to set up my new (and first) tank over the weekend.
I explained that I was intending to try a fishless cycle - the reaction I got - -_- blank faces all round.

I was angling for some mature media of some sort, but they just pointed towards Nutrafin Cycle.
Anyways I bought it and will see if it'll help with establishing a colony of helpful bacteria.

I'm also going to add some plants which will hopefully help - I'm led to believe that their roots contain the necessary bacteria ?

Suck it and see I suppose
I know where i am in Australia, they have this thing called "Cycle". It is millions of good bacteria in a bottle, and you use it when you start a new aquarium up and can't be bothered to wait. Or, when you make a water change, you add some in to keep the bacteria running. They come in different sizes, and you just buy the one that suits you. Hope this helps :)
tbh, fishless cycling is too much of a hassle. I have used the simple, hardy fish method and it has never failed.

white cloud mountain minnows are good for cycling tanks, they are hardier than danios and can be released into a pond once the tank is cycled.

Btw, choc, once the bacteria is collonised, it shouldnt need boosting after every water change.
True, but it is good to sometimes give some bacteria to your tank every now and then isn't it? Just to be on the safe side?
True, but it is good to sometimes give some bacteria to your tank every now and then isn't it? Just to be on the safe side?

No, Choc, it's totally unnecessary! If you keep your tank clean and your water fresh by doing regular water changes, and do not have an exceptional number of fish in there, the bacteria will reproduce themselves and stay at the appropriate amount.

Of course, you need to be careful not to wash them off your filter media by using water straight out of the tap and do not replace it before it is completely worn out. :D

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