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  1. R

    Jensen Vs. The Mirror

    Bruiser is right! Even though he's puffed up in that picture, he looks like a good-sized fella. I don't think I've ever seen a cat splay its ears to the sides like that.
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    Meet Oreo!

    Oh, she's precious! She looks like a real sweetie.
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    Cat And Motor Oil.

    Hi all. Sorry I haven't responded; been very busy. I did call the vet and he echoed the idea to use Dawn dish soap, so we gave him a good washing and it helped (still a little oily, but nowhere near as bad). However, he was walking a little odd (flicking his hindfeet a lot), his legs were...
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    Cat And Motor Oil.

    Our cat HP came in covered from his chest to the tip of his tail in motor oil. Despite attempts to wash him, he's still extremely greasy, and I think he's already licked a lot of it off of his fur. He's been very listless and shows no interest in going outside. I'm calling the vet tomorrow...
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    That's what finally did it for my parents. We took our outdoor tomcat into the vet because he was acting lethargic and unwell. Our vet convinced my parents to get him fixed. Unfortunately, before it could happen, he disappeared and was never seen again. However, because of our vet, our...
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    Capy, My Skinny Piggy

    Is she named after the capybara? She's absolutely adorable! I second the nomination for the second picture.
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    Anyone Ever Kept A Wolf Spider?

    Here's a website with information on sexing wolf spiders. Good luck! I'd like to see pictures of the spider if you ever get the chance. Wolf spiders are one of my favorite species, and we get some pretty big ones around here. One of the best family stories we've got was when a large gray one...
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    She Passed Away This Morning

    Amen. Even though the loss is great, you're not replacing anyone. You're just offering a loving home to another animal who deserves your kindness. Not trying to urge you into getting another pet or anything, though. It's terrible that you had to lose Ginger. She sounded like one in a million.
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    More Baby Pics *updated*

    They have a draft horse at the local rennaissance festival that looks like the pinto there, eyes and all. He's blind, though. Beautiful horses! I nominate the second picture.
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    Cats And Fish Tanks

    Squirt him with a spray bottle whenever he does it. Wipe the water off afterwards, of course, but he should learn eventually that the fish tanks are off-limits. That's how I trained them to stay off my entertainment center.
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    The Rainbow Bridge

    I'd just like to remember my little boy Attila. He was a very lively, very fiesty kitten; black with a white patch on his throat and another on his belly. He was the dominant one of his litter--a bundle of five kittens that my sister's cat had. A very adventurous feline. He was "mine"...
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    I was about to ask the same thing, Silverlady. My black cats have bluish-gray skin because of their fur color.
  13. R

    Ferret Pictures!

    I nominate the third to last picture for PotM! Those are some beautiful ferrets!
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    My Gerbils

    Oh my. Those are a gorgeous pair of gerbils, shrimply! As for the image size, open the images in an image editing program, such as Photoshop or MSPaint. For Photoshop, just go to Image -> Image Size and put in the size you'd like. For MSPaint, there should be a stretch/skew option in one of...
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    Another Dwarf Hamster.

    He is still young, Kiarra. I had to wait two weeks before he was ready to be away from his mama. He's just the sweetest little thing. Squidge! That sounds like a cute name. I'll consider it. Thanks for the nomination, AlexandCarmen. :D Thanks for the compliment, SPLiSH. I'll bet Sooty...
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    Another Dwarf Hamster.

    Photos courtesy of my sister who is known on the forum as Guppy Mommy. I haven't gotten pictures of him yet 'cause he's still asleep in his bedding. My newest dwarf hamster, who is currently unnamed.
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    Life As A Cat Would Be Grand.

    Not only that, but the big image of the lion in the background seems to suit the cat in the foreground. :D
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    That Can't Be Safe...

    My Siamese girl is the same way. She's exceptionally calm when she's out of a box, but if you try to drive her around inside of one, she'll do just about anything and everything to get out. Her brother is just as high-strung and vocal. Her other brother is a messer--he'll urinate or defecate...
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    Please Help Me Set A Price...

    I'd charge food! Not people food, but pet food. That'd help cut costs. ;)
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    Life As A Cat Would Be Grand.

    Excellent photo too, what with the Narnia poster in the background. :D