Anyone Ever Kept A Wolf Spider?


The Hairy Potter
Mar 21, 2005
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I have a very large one about the size of my palm in an old cracked 5 gallon. I found another today...very small in comparison around 1/3 the size. I'm wondering if I could put them together? Would two females fight? How can I tell if the new one is Male or female. I'd hate to have spiderlings.
I Know you would most likely know this but be very very carefull with Wolf spiders...My mother was bitten by one it bit through 2 pairs of gloves (was gardening) it took weeks for swelling to go down and pain to go aswell.....I would say they would be aggressive to each other from my experience with Wolf spiders they are very very aggressive and touchy.
wolf spiders are generally harmless. Some people have allergic reactions to them just like bees. A bite will hurt anyone but it generally will not make you ill or threaten your life. Your mother was one of the few who happen to be allergic to the wolf spiders venom. Don't worry though I don't plan on handling the little guy. They are very skittish and If I try to pick him up chances are I'll lose him.
I love wolf spiders, they're my favorites. I find that if they're inside the house they're easy to handle, and very timid. But once you start messing with them in their chosen territory, daaaamn do they ever get nasty lol.
I would personally keep all spiders away from the one you already have. I know they do enjoy their space and are territorial.
Good luck with her!
thanks very much. I think your right about the new spider...heres my issue now. The one I found today is much smaller than the one I've got in the 5 gallon. I deduce that this means it is either a young female (it looks a whole lot like my female) or it is a male. If it is a young female then I might switch the two out and let go the larger one. These spiders live for around 3 years so I'm thinking the smaller one's got more time left...

Here's the dilemma if it's a male I don't really want him. The males don't live as long as the females and don't get as large. If it's a female I'd like to trade them out and let the larger one go. So if anyone knows of a way to tell a male from a female (without considering size) I'd love to know in the next day or so. If I can't find out by this time tommorrow I guess I'll just let the little one go and be happy with my catch. I'll be looking for info in other places but any help is greatly appreciated.
Here's a website with information on sexing wolf spiders. Good luck! I'd like to see pictures of the spider if you ever get the chance. Wolf spiders are one of my favorite species, and we get some pretty big ones around here. One of the best family stories we've got was when a large gray one chased my brother from the couch to a chair. He's never moved so fast in his life.
I have found a home for the smaller spider. Thanks for the info anyway. I will try to get pics up asap but my camera has been busted for a bit now so it may be a week or two. Thanks again
You should PM that guy who keeps taking pictures of spiders and posting the pics up.I dont know what his Username is but Im sure out of all the pet pictures he's the one whos posting the ones for spiders...IMO spiders are gross :sick: , but the good thing about them is that they eat those annoying flies and such.

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