

(\/)4R'/... betta freak
Oct 10, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
I have a kitty and he's indoor/outdoor, so when he came from outside this morning, he was pretty dirty. We decided to give him a bath. He smelled bad, so we used liquid hand soap. We applied it on his tummy and legs. We rubbed it off with lots of warm water and after that, we dried the excess water with an old cloth, and we let him clean himself dry. It took him a while, and his tummy is still a bit wet as I write this, but as I held him, and checked his legs for any leftover dirt, I noticed that his legs were perplish-blue! It might have been just me, but I doubt it. He was a bit sleepy, but he often is. Please help! :( :sad:
Where was the dirt and where was the smell coming from ?
Is he behaving any differently at all ?
Is the insides of all his legs purplish ? Does it look like it could be bruising ?
Is there a chance he could have been in a car accident and craweled away- or some fight ?

Check him over slowly and carefully feeling gently along the body. Check his eyes and nails and if possible open his mouth and check his teeth (for breaks and chips).

Notice anything unusual ?

If in any doubt or concerned, I'd suggest taking him to the vet for a check over.

Rather safe than sorry.

Hope it's all OK though :good:
The dirt was on his tummy, on his leg, and on his paws.I'm not sure where the smell was coming from, probably the dirt.
He was kinda slow when he came in, but just for a couple of seconds, then he was okay again.
I'm not sure about the other leg. Maybe, but his hair grew more on the other leg and you can't really see it well. I'm not sure. If it was bruising would it hurt when you touched it? Because when we pressed on it he was okay.
Well, I don't think a car accident, he doesn't usually go on the roads, and he's not hurt any other way, so I'm not sure about a fight.
Nope, nothing unusual.
We might bring him to the vet, but we think it's the soap because we applied it on that leg more because of all the dirt there.
I think it'll be okay :good:
It's just about impossible to diagnose over the internet :/

But honestly, if in any doubt, go to the vet. Even the slightest doubt.
I'll never forgive myself for once not doing so when my instinct told me late at night that something was wrong with my kitten and not "quite right" - and that I'd go first thing in the morning. By which time it was too late and they had to put my kitten to sleep :sad:

I'm not trying to scare you, but honestly - if anything is out of place and your cat does't seem entirely itself, take it to the vet.

Not all cats show pain if and when in shock at first. And it's really hard to judge when you don't know what you're looking for. Another cat of mine was run over (again - I only realised this a few hours after the event) as it seemed normal but not there was something I couldn't put my finger one - but it didn't show any obvious signs of discomfort when touched or prodded (this was before I was a vet nurse and now know the signs of injury). It turned out he was also run over and eventually a year after the incident we had to put him to sleep due to later complications as a result of the injury at the time of the incident.

Anyway, hope all is OK :) Let us know how it goes.
This may sound like a very silly question but what colour is the kitten. If he is blue then his skin may be that colour.
I Used to breed Long Hair cats and the skin can quite often match the fur colour.
The kitten's a white and orange turkish van- but I think he'll be okay- he's acting perfectly normal, and the color is fading.
once again, I think he'll be okay :D
OK i thought it might be his natural colour showing through.
Really glad he is alright now.

I was about to ask the same thing, Silverlady. My black cats have bluish-gray skin because of their fur color.
Yes Rynoah, my Tortie Cameo had patchy coloured skin! Something that was only very noticeable on her ears, or when she was wet.
One helpful way to help work out if a cat has been hit by a car is to check their claws. Often, cats will try to grip the road and their claws will be scuffed. This is however not a definitive way to check, and although your cat's feeling better now, in the same situation again it would be advisable to get them checked over by a vet. Glad to hear he's feeling better now though. :good:
There's an update!
First of all, both his legs are purple.
Second, the leg that I first noticed purple, seems to be hurting whenever we touch a certain part of it. He yowls! :shout:
I noticed because, whenever I picked him up, he would send out a lowd and painful meow, while, when we picked him up and he wanted to be put down, he made a very low meow/growl.
We are bringing him to the vet ASAP.
:sad: I hope he'll be okay :sad:
All the best :/ though must say it sounds like some injury (possibly road) of some sort.

Fingers crossed it's nothing too bad.
We still have to make an appointment.
My mom isn't used to bringing pets to the vet, only when they are really sick. She usually says it'll get better and that it's not necessary to bring them to the vet. :(
But it doesn't seem to hurt anymore.
Hopefully we can convince her to bring Cream to the vet...

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