She Passed Away This Morning

She Died This Morning.

Last Night Dad Could not Sleep so came down and let Ginger In.
He did not call me till 5AM.

She Could not walk and when she tried she wobbled then collapsed.

I went to Work as it was doing me no good watching her.
from 0815-900 I was On Redial to the Vets to get her in.
0915 they answered the phone and I got there at 0945.

Vet took 1 look at her and said uts her time, her kidneys have failed.

She Passed away @ 0955am 13.10.05 Aged 25 the Vet Said.

She was So brave on the journey there, She would look up from the front seat to see what all the noise was, and when I stopped @ he Cash point she was sitting on the drivers seat waiting for me. All the while @ the Vets People were Cooing over her thinking she was a Kitten. When I told them how old she was they were Astonished as she was such a small cat. and did not Look old at all.

I was in Tears When he said There was nothing he culd do and trying to treat her would be worse for her.
I cried all the way home and left her with Mum, She took her to the Pet Cemtery to bury her After I left with a Neighbour.

I am going to Miss her - Goodbye Ginger

Love Pardeep - You were with me for 18 Years
Aww what a shame! And she was so gorgeous. I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to be losing an animal.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had a good, long life with you. May she rest in peace.
So sorry to hear that Gill,losing a pet is hard,at least you gave it a happy life.
I am so sorry about your cat. You had 18 years with the kitty and if she lived to be that old then you can tell she was happy. RIP Ginger I will be thinking of you Gill I wish I could say something to make you feel better.
i'm sooo sorry to hear that :( i know how hard it can be.... my lil baby died at only 6 years old of kidney failure after a hard life. she had bad luck since we got her: bad stomach, stopped eating (had to feed her through a tube for a while), shattered her leg and spent her final months on a blanket in the family room. our whole family was in tears, especially my dad (he's a softy for cats). i was devastated. but it gets better after a while and then one day you go and get 2 new cats from the shelter :)

i hope you get the dog(s) you metioned, and they warm your heart as your kitty did.
I'm so sorry to hear that. :( It is always so hard when a pet dies.

18 years is a long life for a cat though, and I'm sure she loved living with you.

:rip: Ginger.
Thanks for the Kind words Guys,
She meant alot to me - Atleast my last memories of her are how brave she was.
Gill, I'm so very sorry to hear Ginger has passed over. I know exactly what it is like to lose a cat you have shared many years with. It will take time, but soon you will only remember the nice memories, when she was lively and bounding around.

Like she will be right now. :wub:
Its been a year already since she passed on the 13.10.05.

Still find her things in the house and garage, Like a Bowl or old Toy. or peice of string she has ran off with beind the sofa.

Still miss her and have not been able to think about getting another animal to replace her. I guess thats why i have been so engulfed with my fish.
Oh Gill, I'm so sorry. Ginger had a great life with you. :rip: Ginger.

Don't think of getting another pet as 'replacing' her. She gave you such a wonderful experience of loyalty and friendship and another pet will do that too. :)
Don't think of getting another pet as 'replacing' her. She gave you such a wonderful experience of loyalty and friendship and another pet will do that too. :)

Amen. Even though the loss is great, you're not replacing anyone. You're just offering a loving home to another animal who deserves your kindness.

Not trying to urge you into getting another pet or anything, though. It's terrible that you had to lose Ginger. She sounded like one in a million.

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