Search results

  1. K

    Male Or Female Angel ?

    how can you tell if your angel fish is male or female???
  2. K

    I Woke Up This Morning And They Were All Dead

    oh dam i feel sorry for you that happened to me once i lost 6 guppies,1 sucking fish,1 gourami and 5 serpeas well hope you get new fish hehe
  3. K

    Mollies+angles Ok?

    is it okay to put mollies in a tank with 2 angles and a parrot fish?
  4. K

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    can bettas live with parrot fish and angel fish?
  5. K

    Angle Fish + Parrot Fish?

    well i just bought a xl angle fish £8.50 and a small orange parrot fish £10! for my tank tehre the only 2 in there but i only have 1 plant the parrot fish is staying around the plant and not letting my angle go near it when the angle goes near it, it attacks my angle! is htis a bad thing?
  6. K

    Only £2.99 And So So Pretty

    oh i live quite near wild woods only like 5-10minutes drive hehe wots the shop you bought it at i wanna get betta's but the ones at wildwoods are 5 quid each i dont have anymore money after i spend 50 quid on fish last week i kno theres another little shop but i looked there no bettas is there...
  7. K

    8.2 Gal Help!

    ok iv got a 8.2 gal tank i got the gravel and water in it im going to wait like 3 -2 more weeks for that cycle thing to finish or sumthing like dat and den im going to put loads of plants and a rock and wood den im thinking of gettting a nice pretty siamese figter fish (yay) but im thinking that...
  8. K

    Show Me Ur Betta Bowls/small Tanks

  9. K

    Show Me Ur Betta Bowls/small Tanks

    erm im thinking of better those giant bowls cos there like only 10 quid or something or those plastic small tanks i need to see some of peoples first so please show me ur beautiful bowls/tanks
  10. K

    Fixing Cracked Glass

    use it to put some frogs or something in lol
  11. K

    New 55g Tank Layout Opinions

    thats very nice but wouldn't a few more plants make it look bettter?
  12. K

    Another Female Guppy Death

    wow 1 female fish died all my fish just died!!!!! when i woke put they were all dead for some reason well thats a goood 30 quid!
  13. K

    Fish Stuff For Free

    can i have the tank my sister is at southampton university can she go pick it put please and den she bring bak to london for me
  14. K

    2 Dead Pregnant Female Guppies!

    no i dont have test kit lol b nice if some1 gives me 1 lol wot do they look like and how do you use dem lol i never seen 1 b4 lol
  15. K

    2 Dead Pregnant Female Guppies!

    yeah from same shop and tank i just got dem aswell!
  16. K

    2 Dead Pregnant Female Guppies!

    nope i have to buy a new test kit how much are they i dont even know wot they look like im new to fish!!! help
  17. K

    2 Dead Pregnant Female Guppies!

    HELP! WOT DO I DO NOW!!! do i take half the water out and put new water while the other fish are in there and add some medican things? help!
  18. K

    Petsathome Told Someone To Cycle For A Week!

    lol they work there and they dont know wot is wot lol in the shop i bought my guppies most tanks had dead fish floating around! and even some fish nipping on the dead fish !!
  19. K

    Why Tank?

    well i got 5 of my females guppies which are pregnant and i want a new tank to let dem breeed but could a big plastic box work instead of wasting a lot of money on a tank why not spend 2-3 pondes on a giant box? and i'll but a little filter and heater aswell.. and will frozen brine or blood...
  20. K

    Guppies Prices Please?

    erm i thinkin about neons there not big but my mum said if i put too many fish in my fish tank the fish will all die oh well i got 5 orange tetra things and 6 female guppies in there-.- i think its called a uno 500 tank -.- and i only got 1 plant in tehre in getting loads more -.- dno if the...
  21. K

    How Old Are You! Im Being Nosey Lol

    oh you lot are oldies lol joking im 14 lol its my friend who got me into fish he a mad koi keeper!
  22. K

    Oh No Help! Guppies Help Please!

    lol i guessed since you call lots of guppy and molly, guppies and mollies lot of fry would be called fries lol ok nope i dont think i want any male yet the frys can just mate with tehre mother and sisters lol trap or net with has the smallest holes and which is bigger?
  23. K

    Oh No Help! Guppies Help Please!

    what! i just got my tank and fishes oh my days fries in 6 days of having a tank lol oh man i need a trap or net now to keep the fries in
  24. K

    Oh No Help! Guppies Help Please!

    i just bought the guppies at 5pm to day the 14th of march i dont know wots wrong but 5 of the 6 females have a black spot on its anal !!! help!
  25. K

    Guppies Prices Please?

    i only got 6 females i buy 2 males or 4 tomorrow
  26. K

    Guppies Prices Please?

    oh ok i just bought 6 females for £5 and 8 males for £8s oh yeah will neons go well with guppies 10 neons for £5
  27. K

    Guppies Or Mollies

    erm i proberly get guppies they sound easier with cheaper tho im not that rich lol or that old to have money lol
  28. K

    Most Spent On 1 Fish?

    i live near to wildwoods great shop
  29. K


    maybe erm try blowing the ants away? lol or smashing some ants or get some plate poor the ants on it and get a drop of water and suger and put it on one side of the plate so it runs to it leaving the eggs undefended or try talking to them nicely you can talk to plants so try ants
  30. K

    Guppies Prices Please?

    oh im from england
  31. K

    Guppies Prices Please?

    how much is 1 guppy usually male and female ty
  32. K

    Guppies Or Mollies

    ok i wanna which is easier to care for which has the most fry which breeds the most and like how many times a year
  33. K

    New To Site And Fishes!

    hi everyone i just got a tank and new to this site hope this place is going to be a nice place as nice as it looks and i will be needing help ty and hi!