Fish Stuff For Free


New Member
Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Overton, Hampshire
Hello All

I am a member of the yahoo group called "freecycling" a bit like e-bay but where peeps give their stuff away for free (cos they need the room), anyway, the Southampton group always has lots of fish stuff to be had. I recommend joining the group nearest to you and keeping you eyes open for a fishkeepers freebie!

here are just 2 ad from the site
OFFERED: Octagonal Fish Tank with stand / lights and filter

Available for pick up from SO19 area. Stand and lid are black.

3' Tropiquarium with biolife integrated heater/filter. Hood with
lights. Currently occupied by several tropical fish, some rather sad
looking weed and two giant yellow snails, bogwood etc. Gosport
OFFERED: Octagonal Fish Tank with stand / lights and filter

Available for pick up from SO19 area. Stand and lid are black
Get a gourp not found error when clicking on the link....
can i have the tank my sister is at southampton university can she go pick it put please
and den she bring bak to london for me
I agree, I gave away dozens of uneeded tanks this past summer on freecycle. Most of the people looking for them are the younger fish crowd who can't afford to be buying them. It was a lot more satisfying seeing happy kids, than the few extra dollars I would have gotten selling them.
Hi Guys
Sorry about the original link error, this one should work, just choose your country and then the counties that you would be willing to travel to for stuff. Its mostly household stuff like wardrobes and washing machines, but the UK Southampton group have lots of fishy stuff (guess cos they live by the sea then decide its not for them) anyhows its a great idea...and everyone is happy! :)

(btw- my previous post - was not my tanks, just a copy and paste of the ads that are on the southampton site) You need to have/get a yahoo e-mail address in order to join this group.

Happy Fishing
Anna x
I clicked on the link no problems - are you all still having probs? or is it just nightowl? btw - dont forget to use the freecycling site in the way its suppose to be and recycling, rather than have stuff dumped in our landfill sites- getting stuff for free then selling on is a strictly no no - we rely on honesty here chaps (like an honesty box)
Go to this page here and find one closest to where you live. I think you need to register (send an email to request to "join") to be able to read the ads.

Oh, just checked it out properly. If you have a yahoo email address or account, you can log in that way too. It's as easy as signing up for hotmail to create a yahoo account.

:shifty: I just saw a 3ft tank in my area (filter, heater, lights the lot) advertised today - for free ! :hyper:

What a great website - thank so much Annalou :thumbs:

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