Guppies Or Mollies


New Member
Mar 13, 2006
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uk london
ok i wanna which is easier to care for
which has the most fry
which breeds the most and like how many times a year
their kind of the same really the both can have babies every month with or without a male they can have a lot of babies so its probably best to have a fry tank if you are goin to breed.
Depends on what you have to offer, really.

Mollies can be sensitive to soft, acid water- they prefer it hard and alkaline, and some even like it mildly brackish. If the water is not right they can be prone to disease. They are also bigger than guppies and therefore need more space. But if they get things their way they can be as tough as nails.

Guppies are not quite so fussy about the water, but some guppies are quite inbred and therefore not the strong fish they used to be. Look for big healthy-looking strong bodies.

Both fish mate at the slightest opportunity, any time of the year, give birth after 4-6 weeks and can store sperm from one mating for up to 7 batches of fry. Females may already be pregnant from the shop.

Both need to be kept at a ratio of 2-3 females per male (or single sex groups- though then you need more than just a couple of males). They benefit from a good varied diet, good quality flakes supplemented by vegetables once or twice a week, and the occasional treat of bloodworm or similar.

Both are very nice fish- curious and inquisitive and easily tamed.
erm i proberly get guppies they sound easier with cheaper tho im not that rich lol or that old to have money lol
If you live in London, your water will be hard and alkaline, so there shouldn't be a problem with either fish. It's more a matter of space, really. I'd say you need a 10 gallon tank at least for guppies, and a 20 gallon (at least) for mollies- more if they're the massive sailfin ones. If you go for guppies, just look carefully at the state of all the tank inhabitants: if any in the tank look sick or dying- don't buy from that tank at all. Check that they are swimming well, not sinking to the bottom.

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