Another Female Guppy Death


Fish Addict
Mar 6, 2005
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i have just this minute found another dead female guppy on a plant in my tank :-( she hadnt got any strange marking, she didnt look ill she was just fine, but i have just came to realize what could be the problem. I put my guppy fry in my tank around christmas time when you couldnt tell what sex they were because they were too young and i'v just counted them and i have 11 males and 13 females!! (i'm worried now i'm sure i didnt have that many -_- ) i could move some of the boys into my other 4ft tank, but i'm worried that i have some kinda disease of some sort in my tank with the 11 males and 13 females in so i'm worried if i move some of the males the desease will spead to my 4ft tank :/ I would treat the desease (there might not even be one but i think there might be) because i dont know what desease it is....i cant check the parametres because i havent got a test kit and my mum ses i dont need one :huh: So what can i do?? :/
Well to be honest with no test results, or any symtoms it's hard to say, are they resting on the bottom to one side.

I would take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down for you.
And i would get your mum to invest in some liquid test kits for you, as they are a must, or you will be buying new fish every two minutes, so the test kits are worth the money.
As bad water quality causes desease and death.
Show or tell your mom this,

Your daughter NEEDS those test kits for her tank. If she does not test the parameters of the tank most of her fish may die from whatever is wrong with the parameters. When she checks the parameters of the tank, she then would be able to treat whatever is wrong with it. If not more fish may die, and to replace more and more fish in the long run could cost a lot more than the test kits. :D
Show or tell your mom this,

Your daughter NEEDS those test kits for her tank. If she does not test the parameters of the tank most of her fish may die from whatever is wrong with the parameters. When she checks the parameters of the tank, she then would be able to treat whatever is wrong with it. If not more fish may die, and to replace more and more fish in the long run could cost a lot more than the test kits. :D

lol....................i think that might work, its not the money thwy cost that she's bothered about thought she just says that i dont need one :/ ow and wilder i have noticed 1 female and 1 male that keep just sitting on the bottom of the tank for about 5 minutes and then they stay swiiming for ages..............then do it again -_-
If there sitting on the bottom sounds bacterial mine did it, though once they do that not good, so i would act fast and get a bacterial med.
What do you feed the fish.
How many gallons is the tank? I agree with wilder, sounds like you have a bacterial thing going- anti internal bacterial meds would be the best for this. Also if you have 11males they'll be mature enough to breed with your females, you should definatly think about rehoming or separating them very soon to prevent an out-of-control breeding crisis since you have so many males and females.
i'm not sure the exact size in gallons of my tank but its over 2ft (as i say i know i'm over stocked at the minute) i'm not worried about the breeding as i dont get to catch many (10 fry in like 2months!!) so all the rest must have got eaten or something :( i would move some of the male's but as i say i dont want them to spread a desease (if there is one) to my 5ft tank :/ I'll ask my mum to get me some anti internal bacterial meds (any perticuar type?? I also have 1 baby pleco in the tank so the meds would have to be ok for he/she too) and should i do a half water change or something??

Thanx for the help again :flower:
wow 1 female fish died
all my fish just died!!!!! when i woke put they were all dead for some reason well thats a goood 30 quid!
wow 1 female fish died
all my fish just died!!!!! when i woke put they were all dead for some reason well thats a goood 30 quid!

How many guppies did you have?? and did you pay £30 for them??
i'm not sure the exact size in gallons of my tank but its over 2ft (as i say i know i'm over stocked at the minute) i'm not worried about the breeding as i dont get to catch many (10 fry in like 2months!!) so all the rest must have got eaten or something i would move some of the male's but as i say i dont want them to spread a desease (if there is one) to my 5ft tank I'll ask my mum to get me some anti internal bacterial meds (any perticuar type?? I also have 1 baby pleco in the tank so the meds would have to be ok for he/she too) and should i do a half water change or something??

Thanx for the help again :flower:

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