Oh No Help! Guppies Help Please!


New Member
Mar 13, 2006
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uk london
i just bought the guppies at 5pm to day the 14th of march i dont know wots wrong but 5 of the 6 females have a black spot on its anal !!! help!
hey dont worry, it most likely means there pregnant. Congratulations :thumbs:

If you look on my banner in my signature you'll see that my guupy has one too because she was pregnant when i took that picture
what! i just got my tank and fishes oh my days fries in 6 days of having a tank lol oh man i need a trap or net now to keep the fries in
lol, congrats again. Yep thats one thing about guppies they breed like rabbits...................do you have any males in the tank yet?? ow and when you do put the female(s) in a breeder trap make sure you dont keep them in there for any longer that 2-3 days as it'll stress them out

Ow and 1 last thing the guppy babies are called fry not fries ( i'm guessing your new to all this??) i was the same when i first came, before i came to this forum i just called them babies.lol
lol i guessed since you call lots of guppy and molly, guppies and mollies lot of fry would be called fries lol ok nope i dont think i want any male yet the frys can just mate with tehre mother and sisters lol trap or net with has the smallest holes and which is bigger?
i use breeder traps instead, but i dont really no anything about breeder nets as i have never used them before. You have to be careful thought to make sure the gaps in the breeder traps arent big enough for the fry to escape. And i'm not sure if you know but the older guppies will eat the fry if you dont seperate them.
Breeder nets are larger, and have very small holes. Traps are smaller and tend to be a bit easier for other fish to get into. Either way, I wouldn't suggest you put the mother in there to give birth, especially in the Molly's case. You can give the fry some nice hiding places in the tank (Floating Plants are great) and let the mother give birth in there. Then you can move the fry into a breeder net, if you want, and grow them up a little bit before putting them back in with the other fish. You can't leave them in there too long, because then you run the risk of stunting.

The best option, if you're worried about the fry being eaten, is a fry tank. I wrote an article about that, if you want to read it. It's at the top of the main Livebearer page. Good luck! :thumbs:

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