Search results

  1. I

    Mollie Acting Weird

    :( Well this really bites. My mollie died along with 2 others (male and female). I really hope the last female doesn die on me. My tank is about 18 gallons and there was 5 fish in it, the 4 mollies and a chinese algea eater. I used to feed them flakes and freeze dried bloodworms twice a day...
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    Mollie Acting Weird

    I have 4 mollies; 3 females 1 male. My largest female is acting funny. She pretty much lays at the bottom of the tank doing nothing. Sometimes the current even pushes her around. Once in a while she'll snap out of her "trance" and swim to another place. The day before she was shaking a lot kinda...
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    Large New Worlds

    Nics are peaceful and might want to look in to them.
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    Experiments With Bettas ?

    Thanks for the idea. The only thing is that it has to be something that hasn't been done and something a little more complex. It's a college level biology class and my prefessor is like a freakin genious so I kinda have to impress him a little. Any more ideas anyone?
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    Experiments With Bettas ?

    I was wondering if anyone could give me any ideas for a biology project using bettas? The guidelines are : 1. not to torture the animal that is being used for the project 2. to prove 3 hypothesis(sp?) bout the projec 3. have results before the deadline(middle of march) 4. can't be something...
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    Do You Think He's Happy?

    W :o W ... I can't get mine to build a nest to save his life!!! So many bubbles... are you feeding him soap??? (j/k)
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    Feeding Question

    Do you supplement your betta's diet with anything else?
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    Feeding Question

    I read that some people feed their betta fry crushed up hard boiled egg yolkes. I was wondering if adult bettas could also eat this in little bits about the size of a betta pellet?
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    Chasing During Feeding Time

    Well considering the size of the tank I assume it is normal.
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    Betta Betta Betta

    That's my boy Mike. :)
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    Rogues Gallery

    Wow... 48 pages so far. I'm kinda late posting but here it goes. That's me at a club in Cancun last June. I have no freakin' clue who that girl is. I guess what happens in Cancun stays in Cancun. Good times! :P
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    Breeding Tank.

    :thumbs: for you and me. Nice! B)
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    Breeding Tank.

    Not plexiglass, real glass. So it would be like having 4 tanks in a sense. Then making those 4 into 2 tanks by removing the clear dividers. Then when I have removed the parents, I would remove the dark divider and grow out the fry a little before moving them all in to a grow out tank.
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    Breeding Tank.

    Well I wanted to get a breeding tank. Originally I thought I would go for a 5 gallon. Then I thought I'd get a 10 gallon instead. The idea of the 10 gallon grew to a 15, from there to a 20 and I ended up with an idea for a custom tank just under 24 gallons. The dark vertical line in the...
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    Don't Open If Your Not Going To Comment :p

    That L200 is like :drool:
  19. I

    Algae Eater For Ca Tank

    I'm going to be setting up a 55 gallon(US) Central American tank pretty soon. I'm either gonna put a pair of Salvinis in there or some Convicts plus some big live bearers with either cichlid. All of them are gonna be Central American though. I want to have some kind of algae eater in there but...
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    Do You Have A Pic Of Your Very First Betta?

    I don't have a pic of my first betta because that was way back in the day when I was like 8 years old. But this is a pic of my first betta in a long time. :)
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    New Betta (first Post)

    Actually the custom 6 gallon should not be more than $10. The guy that made my custom 55 gallon charged me a little under $27. What about the food (NutraFin Max Betta Food), is it good?
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    New Betta (first Post)

    No, I'm talking about the little sample of food that comes with that tank. That's what I bought at the LFS, not the tank or the shrimp pellets. What I bought was just a smller version of this. Are they any good? I didn't get that...
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    New Betta (first Post)

    I found out what brand the flakes were. They are NutraFin Max Betta Food. Are they any good? They came in a little blue package exactly like the one in this picture
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    New Betta (first Post)

    Guatemala City is in Yea, fish keeping is not a very popular hobby here so there aren't a lot of options when it comes to products. Because it's not very popular here, people at the LFS's are very misinformed. The guy that showed me the flakes told me I'd be much better off just...
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    New Betta (first Post)

    I haven't been able to find any other food for my betta around here except for these "betta flakes". They're actually a mixture of flakes and bloodworms. I don't remember what brand they are but the package said they were specifically for bettas. I bought some and my betta eats them up. I was...
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    Betta Food

    I've been feeding mine just freeze dried bloodworms. The only other things I've been able to find are Wardley pellets (I don't really trust those) and these bett flakes mixed with blood worms but I forgot what brand they were.
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    New Betta (first Post)

    :D Hi everyone, this is my first post on here. I just wanted to show you guys my new betta, Mike. Named after several athletes (Jordan, Vick, Johnson, Tyson). He lives in a 1 gallon tank with a small live plant. I feed him bloodworms twice a day. He looks way nicer in person, but the camera I...