Do You Think He's Happy?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
I Do :D

I thought when he made 3 bubble nests that that was a record but I guess he wanted to break his own record so after yesterdays water change he decided to make 4!! :p

If anyone is having problems with their males not building nests get them some of these silk plants ...ever since I added 2 of these to his tank he's been bubble nest mad :lol:


Here's a better shot of him. He was a bit camera shy last night so I wasn't able to get great pictures of him.

Wow Elisabeth he is absolutely beautiful and the water looks so clean! Tell him he is a very clever boy!!
Just to let you know your heater isn't suppost to be touching anything like gravel or decorations or plants, not sure why but when I read instructions for the heater that is in my 55g it said that I guess it burns what it touches or something. Awesome betta. :drool:
Thanks for the nice comments Durbkat and Liz :D

About the heater I think it'll be alright..I've had it set up this way for over 6 months and it hasn't burned or melted anything. It's only a 25 watt heater. Thanks for the thought though Durbkat :)
Too cute! :lol:
A little over-enthusiastic, isn't he?
Hehe you can just hear him chirping away to himself "And I'll make one here, and here . . . oh and maybe a nice one right over there, too, and perhaps a little one right here . . ."
Hehe you can just hear him chirping away to himself "And I'll make one here, and here . . . oh and maybe a nice one right over there, too, and perhaps a little one right here . . ."

:D "A certain little lady will come by, and we can use this one and if she has a friend that one! -_-
That one can be a spare and that one is very nice! Oh I think i will just do another one because I am so clever I know I am because Mum keep taking my piccie!" :rolleyes:
Hahaha, that's really funny. But that betta struck me as kinda neurotic rather than an interior decorator or super pimp.....couldn't you just see him staying up in the middle of the night going "OMG!!! There's an empty space, I just CAN'T deal with that!!!" *Bubbles insanely* "Okay, okay, it's good, AHHHHH, there's another empty space!!! MUST BUBBLE MOREEEE!!!!!"

Hahaha, or maybe I'm just used to having neurotic pets... :look:
Awww.. Fiesty lil fella my one when he makes a bubble nest im surprised he can breathe from the top he makes them about half a centimeter high across his whole 1 gallon tank :eek:

Nice Betta :thumbs:
I am definitely going out tomorrow on another betta red....see what else I can find!
W :eek: W ...

I can't get mine to build a nest to save his life!!! So many bubbles... are you feeding him soap??? (j/k)
my blue betta builds the most beautiful nests and he displays at the first sign of anything unusual. not the red one he wont build a nest, doesnt display and even hides from live food, just a wimp I think.

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