New Betta (first Post)


New Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Guatemala City
:D Hi everyone, this is my first post on here. I just wanted to show you guys my new betta, Mike. Named after several athletes (Jordan, Vick, Johnson, Tyson). He lives in a 1 gallon tank with a small live plant. I feed him bloodworms twice a day. He looks way nicer in person, but the camera I have sorry about the pics.






Awesome betta and welcome :hi: Also I would advise you not to feed your betta only bloodworms and to only feed them blood worms once or twice a week or it could cause constipation so you should either get some hikari betta bites or HBH betta bites or tetramin tropical granules to feed your betta and give him some bloodworms maybe like on the weekends. ;)
:hi: InStere0,

A lovely betta you have there :wub: !

Like Durbkat says, dont feed him blood worm twice a day, twice a week should cover it, buy some fish pellets or something, try to vairy his diet , because too much of one thing is bad for you and your betta :p

Again, lovely betta
Also I would advise you not to feed your betta only bloodworms and to only feed them blood worms once or twice a week or it could cause constipation so you should either get some hikari betta bites or HBH betta bites or tetramin tropical granules to feed your betta and give him some bloodworms maybe like on the weekends. ;)

I haven't been able to find any other food for my betta around here except for these "betta flakes". They're actually a mixture of flakes and bloodworms. I don't remember what brand they are but the package said they were specifically for bettas. I bought some and my betta eats them up. I was aware that bettas shouldn't be fed only one thing but blood worms and those flakes were the only things available. I saw Wardley betta pellets at one place, but IME I've never had any great success with any Wardley food. One question though... are there any kind of betta vitamins? ????
Yeah I wouldn't advise you to get wardly betta bites because I have them but don't use them because they are to big for a betta to eat. You mean there isn't any hakari betta pellets or HBH pellets or tetramin tropical granules where you live? What country is Guatemala City in?
What a gorgeous betta!
If you can't find any betta pellets or granules in stores, buy some online. As for vitamins for bettas, I believe BettaMax offers some vitamins, and it also boosts their appetite. BettaMax is a powder that comes in capsules. It's not a food, but a medicine that you can sprinkle in their tank.
You mean there isn't any hakari betta pellets or HBH pellets or tetramin tropical granules where you live? What country is Guatemala City in?

Guatemala City is in Yea, fish keeping is not a very popular hobby here so there aren't a lot of options when it comes to products. Because it's not very popular here, people at the LFS's are very misinformed. The guy that showed me the flakes told me I'd be much better off just feeding my betta only bloodworms. It was then I knew he didn't know much and since the flakes were my only other option I bought them.
he has some great coloring to him :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: you should feed him some tetra betta min i use it on my smokey and he loves it :) it even enhances there colors :D
:drool: He is one of the nicest VT's I have ever seen :drool: !
You are sure lucky to have him :nod: .
are talking about the shrimp pellets or the tanks??????????????????????????????????????????????? shrimp pellets might be okay you might have change his water a lot though :/
are talking about the shrimp pellets or the tanks??????????????????????????????????????????????? shrimp pellets might be okay you might have change his water a lot though :/

No, I'm talking about the little sample of food that comes with that tank. That's what I bought at the LFS, not the tank or the shrimp pellets.

What I bought was just a smller version of this.

Are they any good?

I found out what brand the flakes were. They are NutraFin Max Betta Food. Are they any good? They came in a little blue package exactly like the one in this picture
You didn't get that tank, right? That's only 1/2 gallon.

I didn't get that tank. I got a glass 1 gallon tank. I'm actually thinking of getting of switching to a 18"x8"x10" (6 gallon +/-) custom built tank.

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