Breeding Tank.


New Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Guatemala City
Well I wanted to get a breeding tank. Originally I thought I would go for a 5 gallon. Then I thought I'd get a 10 gallon instead. The idea of the 10 gallon grew to a 15, from there to a 20 and I ended up with an idea for a custom tank just under 24 gallons.


The dark vertical line in the middle is divider made out of dark tinted glass. The light blue lines are another 2 dividers made out of regular clear glass. The whole point behind this would be to be able to breed 2 pairs at the same time. I feel that in this set up the female and male would be easier to remove from the tank without disturbing the nest/fry at all. Also after all the dividers are removed they fry would have plenty of space to swim around in and grow a little bit before being palced in a grow out tank.

Do you guys think it would work?
Looks intresting.
Might work...although, It'd be very hard conditioning all those bettas, and such at the same time!
Makes sense. It would be the same thing as having two tanks put up next to each other. Of course, this way, you could always have one filter for the entire tank.
He's talking about using plexy glass, so that means each compartment would be individual - almost completly different tank in a sense..
Not plexiglass, real glass. So it would be like having 4 tanks in a sense. Then making those 4 into 2 tanks by removing the clear dividers. Then when I have removed the parents, I would remove the dark divider and grow out the fry a little before moving them all in to a grow out tank.
You stole my idea! I was thinking about that exact same thing! haha too funny.

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