Betta Food

I don't have pellets, maybe its worth picking some up..
never fed my bettas flakes, ever.
always pellets, frozen or live (when breeding).
Pellets, frozen bloodworms, and occasionaly flakes to the ones who like them. None of my bettas like frozen brineshrimp though, which I thought was weird.
I feed mine Hikari pellets. I got a good price for them when I went to Japan, last year, so I bought enough to feed an army of bettas.

Since I now have African Dwarf Frogs (ADFs), I also feed frozen bloodworms every other day to everyone. It's handy to own fish/amphibians/invertabrates/pets/things/whatever which have the same dietary needs.

I've read that beef heart is another good thing to feed to ADFs, do you think maybe a betta would also enjoy a morsel of beef heart?*starts a new topic asking about it, so as not to hijack the curent thread
i feed my monsters :lol: hikari bio gold pellets mostly, and they get about 3 twice a day each, my girls get a little less. They are the most complete food out there i find, and they are one of the few fish foods that have an expiry date on them!! (so often fish foods are fed past their shelf life, so alot of the minerals and vitamins are in lower concentrations than recorded on the side of the box, or it's gone rancid due to the fat :crazy: )

I have fed flakes, frozen bloodworms to picky/starving bettas to get them to start eating then switching them to pellets.

Just an interesting note on fish nutrition, i did a term research presentation on it last year and it was actually kind of interesting that there has been very little research into the dietary requirements for aquarium fish. Most nutrition estimates come from extrapolating data from goldfish/trout and salmon feeding trials. :blink: And many feeding companies keep their research secret :shifty: . So while it may not be perfect it's much better than feeding one particular food. (just think, bettas have bones so need calcium and phosphorus, calcium is very low in invertibrate, so you could get fish with poorly developed bones)
Yeah I have 2 bettas, and I have been feeding them flakes because thats all they sell where I got them. I am going to buy them some pellets though. Would it be okay for me to feed them flakes one day then pellets the next day until the flakes are gone? I bought them some bloodworms , how often should I feed them to my bettas?
pellets. i used to feed hikari but now i feed atison betta pro and new life spectrum small cichlid formula. i have never seen any betta turn down atison betta pro, even fresh out of the shipping box from thailand :) they also get assorted freezedried, frozen, and live foods.
Pellets, granules and variety of frozen/live foods

Tried flakes early on in my betta keeping and discovered that they hated it and would just look at me as if to say "you expect me to eat that?!"
I feed mine bloodworms HBH Betta bites and freezed dried brine shrimp. I swich every time I feed them. Oh andd just for caution NEVER buy Wardley pellets it killed one of my bettas, there soo much bigger tham a bettas mouth. :grr:
Oh andd just for caution NEVER buy Wardley pellets it killed one of my bettas, there soo much bigger tham a bettas mouth. :grr:

Really? Hummmm... I just got some of those because my LFS was out of the usual Hikari pellets I always feed. Guess the bettas won't eat tonight and I'll go to PetCo tomorrow and get my Hikari!
do bettas like frozen brine shrimp and is it ok to feed about once a week? its what my community tank gets and i would like to tip the leftovers in for my betta. :)
I've been feeding mine just freeze dried bloodworms. The only other things I've been able to find are Wardley pellets (I don't really trust those) and these bett flakes mixed with blood worms but I forgot what brand they were.

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