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  1. Genesis

    Reputable Places To Buy Bettas Online?

    Sorry to bump an old topic! I've just acquired a 13l tank that I have set up with some nice plants and bogwood and is now cycling. Looking to purchase a nice betta online as LFS is one of the blue or red VT types! It seems bettaboys is down? Maybe they've moved sites? Or if anyone on here is...
  2. Genesis

    My Jewel Rio 180

    It's 180 litres or 47.5 US Gallons! :) Yeah, I was looking at increasing the numbers of corydoras and barbs :) Dunno! Must be my camera :unsure:
  3. Genesis

    My Jewel Rio 180

    Does no-one like it? :P
  4. Genesis

    My Jewel Rio 180

    Stocking: 13 Copper Harlequin Raspboras 10 Cardinal Tetras 1 Neon Tetra 5 Bronze Corydoras 2 Sunset Platys 2 Golden Barbs 2 Synodontis nigrita 1 Flying Fox Pictures:
  5. Genesis

    Overdose Of Anti-Algae Treatment!

    Hey, basically I have a massive algae problem in my 180ltr convict cichlid tank. I just added eSHa Protalon 707 to the tank but accidently got the bottles mixed up, you are supposed to put in 90 drops of Protalon 707 A for the first few days and then on day 3 add 18 drops of Protalon 707 B. I...
  6. Genesis

    2 Exodon Paradoxus

    Anyone else interested? :unsure:
  7. Genesis

    2 Exodon Paradoxus

    No, I don't think I've ever ventured down there! :unsure: You're welcome to collect them once this severe weather as past if you wish? :)
  8. Genesis

    2 Exodon Paradoxus

    anyone? :no: convicts are really giving them a hard time, need to get rid of them soon!
  9. Genesis

    2 Exodon Paradoxus

    Livestock: Exodon Paradoxus Age and condition: About a year old Quantity for sale: 2 Reason for Sale: Breeding convicts don't agree with other fish! Delivery or Collection: Collection Sales price: FREE TO A GOOD HOME Postage & Packaging: Bring a bag along. Location: Haddenham, Buckinghamshire...
  10. Genesis

    7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

    Wow, your tank looks amazing :D
  11. Genesis

    My First Tank Journal.

    Looking good so far! :) Algae could be a pain in the ar$e though, all that sunlight under a window! :X
  12. Genesis

    Convict Eggs :-)

    Congratulations! :D I've just bought my first pair of convicts and I can't wait to be in your shoes :)
  13. Genesis

    Exodons With Convicts?

    They aren't readily available round here, and what problems could you foresee?
  14. Genesis

    Exodons With Convicts?

    Hey, I've got a couple of exodons in my 180ltr setup, d'ya reckon they'd be alright with convict cichlids? Regards, Gen
  15. Genesis

    Rio 180 To Stock

    any more?
  16. Genesis

    Rio 180 To Stock

    Thanks for the suggestion :) Dimensions are: 101 x 41 x 50cm
  17. Genesis

    Rio 180 To Stock

    Well all my fish died from a bacterial bloom after a mix-up with the plant ferts :-( :no: Life's a bum but hey, on the positive side; right now I have a spare planted Rio 180! This is obviously quite an exciting prospect as I haven't had a tank so big to stock since I first set up the Rio...
  18. Genesis

    New P.bass Set Up

    gorgeous fish! :drool:
  19. Genesis

    Planted Rio 180

    Thankyou Paul! :)
  20. Genesis

    Planted Rio 180

    Thanks :) I apologise for the algea on the back glass, I couldn't get to it, lol :rolleyes:
  21. Genesis

    Planted Rio 180

  22. Genesis

    How To Breed Angel Fish

    Unfortunately they were in a community aquarium and I had no-where to seperate the parents to so they (or the other fish) ate all the eggs. :( The female has died since then also.
  23. Genesis

    How To Breed Angel Fish

    I just bought one angelfish, and then another 1 year later. I stuck them both in the same tank and they paired up and started to lay eggs, wierd.
  24. Genesis

    Are Airstones Obsolete?

    My fish tend to go to the top and start gasping if I stop my filters from breaking the water and pushing air into the tank.
  25. Genesis

    Is This Bad?

    Yeah, I thought it was pretty BS when he said it was my water. The fish was obviously in a bad state already, it was already listless and lethargic before the water even had much time to affect it, still what can you do?
  26. Genesis

    Is This Bad?

    I doubt the filter(s) can't cope with the stocking. It's a Jewel Rio 180 (180 litres) stocked with 3 swordtails, 1 rtbs, 1 bosemani rainbowfish, 1 'disc tetra', 1 angelfish and 3 corydoras plus I'm running a Fluval 204 external as well as the standard Jewel internal. If anything, it's...
  27. Genesis

    Pictus Catfish [like Fish]

    I agree :good:
  28. Genesis


    Yes, they are. Many shops consider the money more than they consider the fish, they will tell you something is "fine" so you will buy it regardless of its size, and they get money for it. I suggest you take at least one back and ask for store credit for it.
  29. Genesis

    Is This Bad?

    The nitrate was something like 0.05 which is near enough 0 :) I don't test very regularly, perhaps once a month. I don't often have a nitrite reading, no. I'll be doing a 30% water change tonight. I also just started adding plant ferts, could that be causing the nitrite?
  30. Genesis

    Is This Bad?

    I bought 4 swordtails on Saturday, 3 were fine but one looked sickly from the beginning and spent from then till now moping at the bottom of the aquarium. I woke up to find him dead this morning and immediately phoned up the shop that I bought him from. They told me that they only do a 48hr...
  31. Genesis

    9 Days Till The End Of The World

    Reading further into it:
  32. Genesis

    9 Days Till The End Of The World :huh:
  33. Genesis

    How Do I Get Rid Of This Kind Of Algae?!

    Yeah, as long as you can't see the algea, then it isn't a problem. The only problem with algea is it's negative aesthetic value.
  34. Genesis

    Second Attempt

    I use a Fluval 1 Plus for my Betta splendens, I was recommended it over a Stingray and I must say it does a wonderful job, I highly recommend it.
  35. Genesis

    Would A Synodontis Sp. Eat Cardinal Tetras?

    J/W :unsure:
  36. Genesis

    "dwarf" Pangasius

    Thankyou! I think it must have been Pseudeutropius brachypopterus :good:
  37. Genesis

    "dwarf" Pangasius

    I saw a pangasius catfish labelled as a "dwarf" pangasius in my LFS, the staff couldn't tell me any information about them so I wondered if any of you guys have heard of any type of pangasius that is "dwarf" in nature? Because I heard they grow to around 4'.
  38. Genesis

    Channel 5 Now! Uk

    That was pretty funny when he dropped lunch!
  39. Genesis

    Was Anyone Else Aware Of This?

    :rip: R.I.P Deefus
  40. Genesis

    Chicken Egg In Tank ...

    You can get stone eggs which kinda look like chicken eggs *shrug* just an idea.